Chapter 4: First Kiss

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With Kid's permission, you talked to the crew the next day and started sorting out who you felt could help the most. Even when you dropped anchor on the island you still had five more days before Nezumi would even be on the horizon.

Rule one of the upcoming job was to be comfortable with it. You'd gone over a lot of possibilities in your head, and you knew which crewmates you'd prefer to work with. Heat, Wire, Killer, and Kid were out of the question. They were too notorious to provide back up, even if you disguised them. Hip and Hop worked well together and didn't have bounties, so you could rely on them for some legwork in town. They were also relatively newer members, so there was less infamy with them. Boogie was in charge of makeup; man had an amazing talent for it. Papas and Reck had your measurements and would go shopping once you landed, since limiting your exposure on the island until the job was paramount.

You were sure you could make a team of three to run the area around Nezumi like clockwork, especially with support from the rest of the crew. You'd be on point, and between the other two, the codes would be copied and then returned. If only you could use your gift to copy text instead of devil fruit powers.

The only detail you were stuck on was hanging on Nezumi. You didn't want to press anything against a Marine Captain, except maybe the barrel of a gun. You were sure you could flirt; you were even practicing with House in the private confines of the medical bay. But hanging on a mannequin or making bedroom eyes at House was going to be different from trying to hide your repulsion from Nezumi.

You'd tucked emotions away before to do a job, but that was before.

Every time you'd get into a groove, all you'd see was that mask. You could hear his voice rolling around in your brain, you could feel your skin prickle delightfully at the idea of touching him. You might be untested in love, but you weren't ignorant enough to not understand what the urges meant. He was always so guarded though, that you didn't know what would come of even admitting your feelings.

But if you didn't say anything now, and something happened...

You shook your head, closing the drawer in front of you and leaving quickly. If you could decide to run away from CP9 and then successfully dodge the world-fucking-government for seven years, then you could grow the balls to tell Killer you wanted him. No matter what the answer was going to be. Things had been terse between him and Kid the entire time, and you could feel frustration rolling off of him when you were helping him with cooking.

You couldn't leave what you needed to say unsaid. You couldn't risk waiting until after the job, if Nezumi was as much a sleaze as you imagined, he'd probably steal a kiss at the first available chance. You had no doubts you could give him the slip, but if you dodged him too much or too obviously it would ruin the mission. You'd done a lot worse than kiss someone you didn't like in your lifetime, but you didn't want your first kiss to be with someone you didn't like.

After asking around you found Killer in one of the storage holds. The light was dim in the windowless room, and while most of it was neatly organized there were random rags and brooms here and there. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you. There wasn't a lot of the crew on the ship today, so you weren't worried about someone coming by, but this seemed like the sort of thing you closed the door for.

Subtle wasn't your forte, but you didn't want to force your desires onto him or make him feel bad. You also didn't want to miss the chance to kiss him, and you were struggling internally with what to say. The downside of committing to this course of action so swiftly was that you hadn't planned anything out.

In the end, you realized there wasn't any way to say this without creating pressure. For a long moment you couldn't find your voice, and Killer set down what he was doing and turned toward you inquisitively. The gaze behind the mask had you stuck in place, so you stepped off the proverbial ledge with both feet.

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