Chapter 6: Head Over Heels

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You walked along the deck in the practice heels that had been bought for you. You were getting better, but it was like being on lopsided stilts and the deck wasn't perfectly smooth either. If you found a knothole or other imperfection it would throw you off, but after logging a couple hours - spread out in 20-minute sessions you were finding a proverbial groove.

"Now the trick," House starts, "is getting the rest of you to move with the heels."

"... But I am moving with the heels." You insist.

"You're moving forward while wearing heels," She corrects. "You need to walk like you want the world's eyes on you. The heels'll help, but you gotta add some moxie to it."

"Isn't moxie like grit?" You question. "Don't I need something like sass?"

"Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe." House grouses. A lightbulb goes off over House's head, and you swear you can see it. "Pretend you're walkin' toward Killer like it's yer turn to take control."

Your face goes red, and you can't think of anything as a reply. You close your eyes and cover your face, "Oh gods House, that was low."

"Aye, aye. Take a moment and think about it though, you gotta good imagination, use it."

You grumble something rude in response, but you keep your eyes closed and do your best to focus on the idea. You had been content to let Killer take the lead mostly because you didn't know anything practical about leading in those situations. You assumed he did, a healthy 20-something pirate with the means to find himself comfort one way or another probably had done so.

Taking the lead for yourself wasn't something you were against trying though. You let your mind wander over the idea of it. Over the idea of pushing Killer down underneath you, of pinning him with your own body and desires. You could picture him in a mask that was just a little smaller, leaving the recently familiar shape of those lips available for the taking, red tinging his neck as he shifts under you. Muscles flexing against your demands or even actual restraints, helpless as you pushed what pleasures you wanted into him.

Taking a deep breath in you hold onto that sense of control and walk across the deck toward Emma, who was giving you someone to focus on while you practiced under House's guidance. When you got closer to Emma you cast your eyes downward, walking right up to her before shifting your gaze up to hers. Her face goes red, and she turns away.

"Hells, Brat, but that's a dangerous thing to do to anyone." Emma mutters, and you hear House laugh and clap.

"That's how you walk with moxie, Short stack!" House hollers.

Emma fans her face with her hand, side-stepping away from you. "I don't know that Killer's mask could protect him from that. Where'd you learn something like that?"

You smile and shrug. "I just did what House told me to do."

"If that's the case the vice-cap'n's in trouble." Emma murmurs.

"Brat, you better not seduce my entire damned crew!" Kid barks. He's standing next to a pleased House with Killer on the other side of him.

"Here's your test!" House hollers, "Walk toward the Captain like you did Emma."

Kid?! Not Killer?! House, you asshole. You take a deep breath and sigh with a shrug. Heat had said if you could charm the Captain you could charm the world, or some such. So sure, why not? You weren't quite ready to try your moves on Killer anyway – especially not in such a public setting.

You put the scene back in your head or try to. It's progressed a bit on its own and your fingers are sliding over the taut muscles of Killer's body, gently looking for reactions from him as you tease him mercilessly. It prompts the same sense of control and you let it power your walk back toward the other side of the deck.

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