Chapter 11: Killin' It

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"I can feed myself," you huff, opening your mouth and letting Killer provide you another bite of hearty soup.

"You're exhausted and haven't even been using your haki." He admonishes you. "Let me do this."

Your face is red, but you had already given in despite your grumblings. This was one of the things you admired about the man as it was. This nurturing and caring side of his, so out of sync with his name and profession, and yet it suited him well.

"You sure you don't want to sleep first?" He questions again, giving you another spoonful.

"I'm sure," you reply after swallowing. "I am a little tired, but I've stayed up for days before, and in worse conditions than the last 24 hours. I want to know."

"Who do you want there?"

Your face goes red before you can answer. "Just you."

"Good." Something in his voice makes you blush harder. "Open up again, just a little more to go."

The rest of the bowl is consumed in silence. Killer sets the bowl down and then lifts you up. You don't protest, putting your arms around his neck and nuzzling into his hair a little. It's comforting, and you realize, as he descends into the lower decks that you're shaking.

Killer's hand runs over your arm, soothing you as he walks. He only stops to open the door to the storage room. Stepping inside and closing the door, he sets you down on a crate. You can hear the wood slats creak and smell the familiar scent of woody dust. There's no rough wood directly under you, and you realize quickly that you're sitting on spare blankets. Killer must've set up the room beforehand, assuming that you'd prefer to be somewhere comfortable and dim.

This room was a good place for firsts.

"Ready, (Y/N)?"

Taking in a deep breath you let it out slowly and nod. "As I can be."

"It's really dim in here, so don't panic." He says softly, as you feel the cold nip of metal against your skin. There was a moment of tension and the sound of metal sliding across metal filled your ears before you hear the shears cutting into the bandage wrapped around your head.

The cloth went slack and you sat still as Killer removed the bandages and pieces of cotton that had been over your eyes. You hear the soft click of his metal mask, your eyes closed as you feel it settle against your thigh, next to you on the crate.

His warm arms wrap around you, hugging you close, and the anxious tears you'd been trying to hold back came out. You return the hug, burying your face and hands into the comforting mane of his wild hair. He holds you close, but he doesn't say anything, and just lets you cry for a few minutes.

After your fear subsides you lean back and dab your eyes on your shirt collar to at least mop up some of the tears before you tried to look around. You reach out for him and feel his hands wrap around yours, squeezing gently to reassure you.

"Haa, this is harder than I thought." You whisper hoarsely. "I've never been so nervous."

"It's okay, take your time. I'll stay down here as long as you need." He assures you.

You laugh, a mix of relief and bemusement. "Don't tempt me, I would happily keep you down here all to myself for days if I could."

You squeeze his hands and slowly open your eyes. The complete darkness that has been your world since the blast at the marine base gives way to little prickles of soft light. Your hands twitch against Killer, and you blink a few times, squinting against soft light that feels impossibly bright to you.

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