Chapter 10: Unforeseeable

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You weren't sure if the tension was heavy because you couldn't see, or if it would be worse if you could see. Either way you were getting irritated because the conversation regarding your impending surgery was starting to fall apart. The surgery would be the end all be all of whether you got to see again or not and you didn't want to watch it fall apart.

Or, well, listen to it all fall apart.

"I can't do a surgery like this on your ship, Eustass-ya." Trafalgar growls. His patience had been thin before the conversation started, and his otherwise even tone had been taking on an edge. "Your second's welcome onto my ship, but only required personal are in the room during a surgery. It's that way with any hospital."

"I'm not trusting my crewmate to a creepy hack without having someone to keep an eye on things!" Eustass barks back. He was showing, for him, admirable restraint. He hadn't just tossed every bit of metal off the beach and into the ocean.

"A compromise then." You snap. It was your sight on the line, you deserved to speak up. "Let Killer be as close as possible, even if he can just hear what's going on. I want him nearby." You felt your face going red, even if you didn't know who was or wasn't looking at you. "And if he does anything you can just, uh..."

The doctor had touched you earlier to look at your eyes, and you'd been trying to sort out how his complicated devil fruit functioned while the conversation had fallen apart. You thought you had a decent enough grasp at this point.

You put your hand out. "Room."

The tension in the air grew and shifted entirely. The two captains were no longer at odds, instead the entire beach seemed to be staring at you.

"Kick him out, you can do that, right?" You prompt.

You didn't want to actually try to activate the ability that shifted things within the room. It felt like something that was precise and finnicky, and trying to do it without being able to see seemed too risky.

"Brat, drop it." Eustass says, and his voice sounds more scared than anything else, though you imagine he has a scowl on his face.

Nodding, you let the room slip away. The silence that followed would've been worse, but at least the bickering had ceased, so you could handle some heavy silence.

"How-?" Trafalgar's voice sounded like Eustass', there was an edge of fear on it.

"Fix my eyes." You interrupt. "I think that's a fair trade."

There was another damnable silence before Trafalgar spoke again. "Fine. We'll get the room prepped. You haven't eaten anything lately?"

"I skipped dinner and haven't eaten today." You admit, it was part of your aggravation currently, that was for sure.

"That works." You could hear him turn and start to walk away. "Come over after Eustass-ya is done reprimanding you."

You flinch and turn toward the general direction of your captain. Eustass' big hands were on your shoulders and you were inwardly very pleased that you could not see the look on his face right now. You weren't scared of Eustass "Captain" Kid, per se, but he was exceptionally skilled at intimidation, and you weren't exactly doing your best.

"Brat." The tone in his voice was hard to decipher, and suddenly you wished you could see his expression.

"Sorry, captain." You offer meekly, not entirely sure what you were sorry for.

His hands tightened and you could feel him trembling through his grip. At first you were worried you were going to have some extra wounds for Law to fix before he got to your eyes, but then you heard Killer speak from behind you.

"That space you created... we couldn't see where it ended." He explains, and there was an unsettled tone in his voice as well.

"That's... uh... bad?"

"We're going to get into a problem of 'depends on how you define bad'," Killer admits, ruffling your hair. "Trafalgar's going to have a lot of questions when he's done. I've never heard of him making a room bigger than 100 meters in diameter."

"Oh." You shrug, and then start to laugh, and there's almost a hysterical edge to it. You hear Eustass growl and it pulls you back into reality a bit. "Sorry, I just thought 'I guess we'll just have to wait and see', and before I could say it I just," you start laughing again, but it was a much more controlled giggle than the manic sound from before.

"Let's get you over to that weird submarine and then get you fed." Killer states, lifting you up bodily and carrying you against his shoulder.


You sat in a recovery room with Killer nearby, fresh bandages over your eyes, sipping on some apple juice that one of the crew had brought in for you. The whole process had gone smoothly, Trafalgar Law even let Killer into the operating room after your actions on the beach. You could tell from the footsteps when Law entered the room, like with Eustass there was a confidence in his stride. You imagined most ship captains had a certain level of confidence, you'd need it to run a ship, especially a pirate ship.

But while Eustass' confident stride seemed to plow the very air out of his way, Trafalgar's stride simply swept it aside.

"Leave that on until you get back to your ship. Take it off some place dim, give your eyes time to adjust. Stay out of the sun for a couple days at least. Everything went smoothly, if you have any problems with your vision chances are they're permanent but give everything a week before you panic or pester me." There was a professional cadence to his words, even if they had an irritated bite to them.

"I did this for payment, so start talking." He states sharply, and you hear him sitting down.

"I was born this way," you say, holding onto Killer's hand as you spoke. "I can swim perfectly fine, and I don't have any ill side-effects. When I touch Devil Fruit users, I can copy their ability. If I keep holding onto them, I can consciously decide to block their abilities, but I don't like doing that. The World Government found me when I was little, raised me as a member of CP9, and a few years ago I left. I've been dodging them since, until I ended up on the captain's ship and got to here."

"How'd you make a room so large?"

You shrug. "I can only hold onto a power for a few minutes, so I don't have to worry about my stamina draining or fatigue, not like someone who has it 'on' all the time. Most fruits are pretty straight forward, but yours took me some time to figure out how it worked. When I pulled the trigger on the room it just... came out. Unlike you though, I don't have to consider making multiple rooms a day.

"Honestly," you admit after a moment. "If I had been able to see it probably wouldn't have been so big. Reaching out like that was probably more frustration than conscious decision."

"You're awfully forthcoming," Law states. There wasn't anything in his voice, it was more like he was warning you against being so honest and less like he was threatening you in any way.

"I'm part of the Kid Pirates," you answer. "What do I have to fear when I'm not alone?"

A/N - Shorter chapter than I expected, but a good place to end it. Have this image that helped me keep the tone of "Eustass and Law interacting" XD even if their interaction in this is brief.

 Have this image that helped me keep the tone of "Eustass and Law interacting" XD even if their interaction in this is brief

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