Chapter 9 Persistent Man

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Looking around you looked to see anything that could give you clues. Before you new it you ended up lost.

"Let's wait here." Khoi said taking you to a balcony where it was empty. "I'll get you something to drink." He said as looked around seeing it was clear. "Wait here don't move I'll be right back" you nodded looked out to see the view of the harbor below moving about in a direction. Hearing footsteps going to you, you spoke.

"It looks like the event about to start." You said leaning into the railing. "Khoi.. long ago I walked through these very same streets. I recall navigating through them as they were busy as they were now." You sighed at the memories. ".... According to legend. They say it was the Archon of Geo who broke my barrier and took over my land. I heard of legends which say the barrier that I casted to protect my people stood strong through that war nearing the end when it was bested."

You heard the steps go closer before stopping.

"Why I'm still alive now or why I can't remember much about myself I don't know myself but I still feel like I let my people down." You said as you sighed again. "I know it sounds like I'm complaining but I guess I'm just a bit uncomfortable. Seeing this grand celebration for this archon. The same one who said to attack my people." You stood up. "Guess you can say I'm being-" you turned to see not Khoi. But that man from before.

"It is you.." you heard the Amber eyed male say as his eyes were widen. You noticed how glossy his eyes looked. As if about to shed tears. Taking a step towards you he opened his arms as if expecting you to run into his embrace. "My Y/n.." he said giving you a gentle smile "My love.. you really are as I thought you would be and to think you were alive all these years.." he said waiting with his arms open. "Come here. Let me finally embrace you"

You on the other hand took steps back alarmed. This man seemed to be insane. He acted as if he was your long lost lover or something like that. "Who are-" you said but a voice stopped you.

"Get them! Don't let them escape!" You heard as you looked down from the balcony and saw Aether and Paimon running away following a ginger hair man.

"Paimon! Aether!" You said shocked and turned to run after them but was blocked by the man.

"Where are you going?" He asked as you stepped back away from him again. "Y/n? What is the problem?"

"I don't know who you are but leave me alone!" You said as you turned and jump off the balcony.

"Y/n!" The man yelled after you running over to reach you. He saw you land well and grab a male with light blonde hair and take off running. Seeing you flee away like this made the man smile amused. "Of course what was I thinking?" He said to himself. "She doesn't know me.. how foolish of me to think she would just run into my arms as I was expecting her too." Calmly he headed down and go in the direction you left in. "My poor Y/n she must be very shy. That's why she fled" he told himself.


Quickly going to a hidden area you stopped letting go of Khoi's hand. "Ok I think we're safe now.."

"What the matter?" Khoi asked alarmed "I told you to stay put-"

"Remember that man I bumped into a whole back?" You said cutting him off as he nodded "well it seems he knows me. He kept calling me 'my Y/n' and 'love' .. I don't know who he is or how is it he knows me but its clear he won't stop tracking me down" you said looking at Khoi worried.

"My Y/n is very smart" you two froze and looked over to see the same man walking. "Your right no matter where you go. I will be there" He saw Khoi quickly put you behind him arms out protective as he stopped infront of him. "Y/n..." He said looking unpleased. "Who is this male?... And why is he protecting you so" he looked at you as his eyes showed anger.

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