Chapter 52 Memories of the past.

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Daktari was pacing in the hallway in front of your son's room. The warning still fresh in his mind. Stopping he took a deep breath and crossed his arms. This was a dilemma to say the least. On one hand he wanted to step back and show his nephew his respect and fulfill his wishes of distance and privacy but on the other hand. Daktari shivered at the memory of how the Tengu's corpse looked as it was taken away. Since a young age Daktari and his brothers have gotten used to the sight of death. They see in it happen in many different ways, time and time again, even when it was their doing he wasn't one to flinch at the sight. No he's used to that. What made him uneasy wasn't the fact his nephew killed. It was how he carried out the action. He along side his brothers have encountered many gods and fought them he's seen all kinds of them. Kind, Harsh, Docile, Aggressive, all the types and because of that he is able to recognize when someone killed in cold blood. 

Taking a deep breath he went to his room and sat at the desk. Reaching out for a paper and pen he decided to write a letter to you. In it he wrote his concerns and worries as about Kunimitsu. He knew if anyone could reach out to him and not be lashed at it would you. "While its adorable to see my nephew be a momma's boy" He whispered to him self "It still feels like im snitching on him.. Im supposed to be a good uncle and help her watch over him" He sighed and leaned back into his chair. Taking a deep breath your brother spoke louder to himself as looked up at the ceiling "I hope I dont make her worry." upon saying that he heard the door to his room swing open.

"Worry who?" Daktari sat up startled and looked over to see Kunimitsu standing at the doorway. His expression was less than content. Taking a step inside he spoke in an annoyed tone "You better not be writing to my mother. She is stressed enough about trying to recover." His eyes narrowed more as his hands tightened to fists. "I will not allow you to cause her stress"

"Kunimitsu" your brother said standing up from his chair "I know you care for my sister believe me I have feel nothing but joy and pride to know you care for her so deeply." Taking another breath your brother walked over to him and looked down at Kunimitsu. "Your attitude on the other hand. Is concerning to say the least. You are acting like a ruthless ruler at this rate you no different than the former Archon. Truly the apple doesnt fall far from the-"

"Dont you dare!" Kunimitsu yelled as he tackled your brother down "Dont you dare say anything about her! I want hear nothing about her and I resemble each other! Its hard enough I already have similar appearances to her as is!" Your son yelled angry. 

"Ok That's Enough!!" Your brother yelled grabbing your son and throwing him off himself. Taking the advantage Daktari quickly got up and picked up your son by the back of his collar.

"How dare you hold me like a kitten!" Your son yelled upset as he started to kick around trying to get free. "Ill have you executed for this!"

"Go ahead! See how my little sister reacts when she finds out her little Himori killed her older brother!" Hearing that your son huffed and stopped moving and allowed himself to simply hang in the air. "So I have to bring my sister into this for you to behave! What are you a child?" Your son looked at your brother. His expression clearly relaying the message. "... Your right. You are a child to her" Letting out a deep sigh Daktari released Kunimitsu letting him fall to the floor. "Now be a good kitten and stop being so violent!"

"You have no authority over me!" Kunimistu shot back "I am the Archon here I set the rules and carry out punishments how I see fit- What are you doing?" your son watched Daktari writing quickly in his letter.

"Telling my sister than her son is becoming a dictator" Daktari said. Hearing those words your son rushed over to try to grab the pen from him only for Daktari quickly stand up and hold up both the paper and pen. "Hey! Stop that!" He told his nephew who was now jumping trying to get things from him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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