Chapter 31 Regained Memories

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"Let's see what is the matter with you" Dottore said to himself as he looked over you first. "Hmm no injuries as expected from a pampered fallen goddess." He spotted your bracelet. "Ah I remember this." He took it off. "If I remember correctly it's a weapon for you isn't it?" He asked your unconscious self. "Don't worry I'll make sure it's kept safe." He slipped it on. "Safe on me that is".

He was enjoying this. The fact he finally had what he considered was the perfect subject right infront of him was a mad scientist dream come true. It was even better since his actions was supported by his leader the Tsaritsa therefore he was given free rein on what he could do.

"As long it will help us in this war" she told him. "You may do as you please"

"As long it will help us" Dottore said to himself as he finished his assessment on you. He was excited he was planning on looking into your mind. "If the cause of injury is not outside then it must be inside... How exciting I'll finally get to see what you know." He leaned down to look at your sleeping figure. "I wonder what made you the way you are. What made you so special that the Balladeer took the Gnosis and ran and took down the former Electro Archon." He asked you. "You made quite the stir you know. When they found out you were part of the reason why one of our own even met her demise at the hands of your so called husband."

He watched your sleeping figure as of course you didn't answer him. "No matter I'll find out in just a bit."

It took a while but he made it work. Dottore put on his earpiece as he will be using the technology to look into your mind. The fact you reacted so dull to him just now displeased him. He greatly enjoyed your wild and lively attitude, the way you openly declared you would fight him if he laid a finger on your Harbinger adopted son. He found it amusing and rather refreshing compared to the usual looks of fear he gets from other people. So it was a shock to see you react so weakly to him. He didn't like that especially since he was the one who wanted to do that. Activating the piece he could see himself in a black void.

"Don't tell me her mind is nothing but a dark empty space.." Dottore talked to himself as he walked around looking. "How disappointing -" he stopped as he felt an invisible wall blocking him from going any further. "Well I'll be.. it's empty because she has her memory blocked." He said amused as he put his hand on the barrier. "Whether this is an attempt to stop me or some god thing it's foolish." He smiled amused as he proceeded to break it down. Once broken down he saw colors quickly cover the black void filling it up with your memories. "That's better."

He walked around looking. "Now to find the problem." He said as he passed the memories that shown him in it. "No need to see those since I was there"


"Mom!!" Khoi yelled out as he ran around looking for you in the heavy rain and lighting storm.

"Y/n!!" Paimon yelled staying close to Aether as they also searched. "Y/n! Are you- Ah!" She felt herself be pulled to the side and miss being hit by the lighting strike.

"Be careful Paimon!" Aether told her yelling.

"It's no use! Even if she happens to be near this weather won't let our voice go far!" Paimon yelled to her travel companion.

"Y/n.." Aether said looking out onto the ocean. "That Fatui Harbinger.. I'll kill him for taking her." He said low to himself.

Paimon on the other hand looked horrified at the expression Aether was making. His eyes were sharp and filled with anger as if someone in him was flipped. She stayed silent watching her gentle and kind travel companion look so heartless. She yelled in silence seeing how lighting struck near them. The electric lighting only adding on a scarier effect onto him. Due to wind and the loudness of the storm she couldn't hear what he said to him. In the end it was probably better for her to not to. If she did then she would of known Aether definitely was no longer the same she knew.

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