[04] Broken Promises

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[04] Chapter Four

Broken Promises

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By the time they arrived at the vacant household of Isaac Lahey, the sun had gone done and everything was dark. As everyone stepped out of Derek's car, Clara paused for a moment and looked across the street, seeing the house of Jackson Whittemore. Of course, it was big and looked expensive, unlike all the other houses in the neighborhood. 

They walked into the empty and dark house, Scott holding the only flashlight that they decided to bring.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?" Scott asked Derek.

Derek shrugged, "I don't know yet."

Clara cocked an eyebrow at him, "And you trust that he's telling the truth?"

"How do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott questioned him further.

"Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them." Derek's tone of voice sounds like he was trying to hint at something, like there was another meaning to his words, "Not just your sense of smell."

Everyone stopped and Scott froze, feeling Derek's stare from the back of his head, "You saw the lacrosse thing today."


"Did it look that bad?"

Derek placed a rough hand on Scott's shoulders and slowly, they all began walking again, "Yeah."

That's when they came to the basement door and Derek reached out, grasping the knob before opening it, "You wanna learn? Let's start now."

Scott pointed his flashlight down the stairs, glancing at the room before walking down the stairs. Clara hesitantly followed behind him, "What's down here?" Clara asked him, sensing a very creepy vibe. "What are we suppose to be looking for?"

"Follow your senses." Derek said in a monotone.

Clara rolled her eyes, "Thank you Mr. Helpful."

Scott looked around the room, looking at every littler detail that there was, "What happened down here?"

"Motive. Something that leaves an impression." Derek answered and Clara could sense that the "Impression" wasn't exactly a good one. Scott and Clara didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until they came across an ice box, freezer, with nails marks. Just as Clara gazes her fingers among the marks, a light blazes at them and suddenly Derek is standing next to the freezer. Clara almost growled at him for scaring her.

"Open it." He demanded.

With a shaky hand, Scott took off the unlocked lock from the freezer and opened it. Across the lid of the freezer were nails marks as if someone was scratching the top. The marks were scattered across and Clara finally put two-to-two. His father, his cruel bastard of a father, would abuse him by locking him into a freezer. Clara let out a wavering breath as her eyes filled with horror.

"This was why he said yes to you." Scott theorized, putting all the pieces together.

"Everyone wants power." Derek concluded. Clara winced at the word power. Since Derek became an alpha, he was changing but the worst fear she had for him was him growing power hungry. Craving something led to reckless behavior which was the last thing Derek needed.

"If we help you, then you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves!" Scott commanded, his voice stern and serious.

"I can if they're willing." Derek argued but there was a gleam in his eyes that was unusual, a gleam that's never shown in his eyes before.

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