Chapter 9

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Kenji woke up after a slumber full of questions. His friend just went through quite the shock of finding out that Kotori, his little sister, was the Commander of the Fraxinus which belonged to the Ratatoskr, but he had no idea. Shido learned a lot of information from Kotori, but Kenji was left in the shadows.

However, he didn't intend on staying there for long. He was resolved to get some answers his own way if they weren't going to walk up to him.

He changed into his school outfit and said goodbye to his parents before stepping outside. What was a sunset yesterday was now a sunrise, Tengu city once more lit up by the light of the sun.

Even though he stood in the sunshine, he felt eerily strange. But still, he started walking to the bus that would take him to school.

When he waited by the bus stop, he met someone he didn't expect to meet, Origami Tobiichi. After her mysterious disappearance, she just stood there as if nothing happened, albeit still bearing small scratches.

"O-Origami?!" blurted out Kenji.

"Yes?" she asked nonchalantly.

"What do you mean, "Yes?" You disappeared yesterday, amidst all those Spacequakes!"

He noticed the scratches on her visible skin.

"Did something happen? Why did you walk off by yourself?"

"...Do you really need to know?" she asked, finally looking at him.

"Well, no—But we were worried for you, even Tama-chan!"

"My apologies. I had something urgent to do."

"Something urgent enough to go out there? You could have been—"

"Kenji, I know what a Spacequake is and what it entails. As the representative and ambassador, you ought to know the..."

She trailed off and shook her head.

"Never mind. I'm fine, aren't I? You and everyone else should save their concerns."

She looked away, as Kenji wordlessly stared at her.

She still acts so distant, but why doesn't she care about throwing her life away like that? Always so collected and sure, but...

"I'm not going to discard my concern for anyone, but if you don't want me to inquire..." he said as he faced forward like she was.

Silence filled the air before other students came. Few minutes later, the bus came. They got onto it, as Kenji got seated. Instead of looking out of the window, he kept glancing at Origami.

She rarely takes the bus, almost never. I always wondered how she gets to school and back home, but her trying to remain as mysterious as she can makes it difficult to learn much about her, except the things everyone knows. I wonder how Shido's doing...

Near the school, the students got off the bus, Origami and Kenji included. He was excited to see both his friends again after what happened the day before. Origami walked off, as he too promptly made it to the school gates and then inside.

After changing his shoes, he walked up the stairway towards his class labelled 2-4.

ADC's meeting is later today, after yesterday they pushed it a day earlier. Still, it's way after school. At least I'll have time to get to their office. I know I'm trying to appear bold about it, but it's already making me nervous.

Inside his class already sat Tonomachi and Origami along with a handful of other students. His friend waved to him, as he did the same.

"Miyagawa, nice to see you pal!" said Tonomachi, not hiding his joy at seeing Kenji.

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