Chapter 13

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The AST train stopped at its destination.

"Come on, the target is still in position! Surround the perimeter!" commanded Kusakabe.

They ran out the train and up the stairs. Origami walked out last of the train in her armour. She had several weapons on her, including her energy blade, the railgun, missile launchers and pistols.

"Origami, are you prepared? And are you sure you can do this alone?"

"I'll do whatever I can in order to succeed, Captain."

"All right. If you need our help, just send the signal."

She nodded and Kusakabe turned her earpiece on.

"Open the top at the station! Commencing mission!"

The ceiling began opening above them. Origami's jetpack sprung to life as she flew out in the direction of the Spirit, who was walking through the very outskirts of Tengu city. A calm road devoid of life at this late hour.

The rest of the AST squad got in position and gained intel over her and the surrounding area.

"Nobody sighted in a perimeter of two kilometres. You have the green to engage," said Kusakabe to her via a radio.

"Roger," she said.

She lowered her visor down and turned-on night vision. With it, she could clearly see the Spirit. Her missile launchers opened as she fired a salvo.

The Spirit saw the bright lights coming toward her as she leapt into the air past the missiles. They hit the ground and exploded, but she was left unharmed. She stomped the ground.

"Sandalphon!" she called out.

An aura circled her legs as a throne emerged from the ground next to her. She jumped on top of the throne and began pulling out her sword.

Origami fired another salvo at her and fired her railgun. The green beam lit up the darkness in its way and along with the rockets seemingly hit its target as the explosions filled Origami's vision. She waited in anticipation until it cleared but was not happy to see that the girl was unharmed, and a sword was now in her hand.

"Spirit..." she uttered as she tightened her grasp.

"If you want to kill me, you'll have to do better than that." the Spirit said sternly.

Origami furrowed her eyes and charged at her. Before she collided with her, she detached her suit and changed course. The suit flew at the Spirit, but she blocked it with her shield as it was crushed.

Like feather Origami landed on the ground and readied her energy blade.

"Disengaging field," she said.

Her own shield briefly flashed around her as she charged at the Spirit who jumped down from the throne. Their weapons met as they were both recoiled back.

Origami wasted no time and dashed at the Spirit again, slashing. The Spirit parried, but Origami kicked her with her boots before slashing again. This time, her blade came close to cutting the Spirit's face, but her sword stopped her.

"Argh!" she cried out in fury as she overpowered Origami and began pushing her back, the very ground crumbling beneath Origami's boots as she tried to push back.

"Engaging... field!" she uttered.

"Origami!" said Kusakabe.

The shield reappeared, and as the Spirit was inside as a hostile entity, it caused a minor explosion, throwing both back. This time, it was the Spirit that didn't expect the move as she hit the ground.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now