Chapter 12

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"Hmm... This looks like it. The headquarters of the Anti-Disaster Committee," muttered Kenji to himself.

He stood in front of a large building with several flags by its big entrance. He recognized the flags of Japan, Tengu city, UN, UNDRR... It was a magnificent sight for someone who never saw something bigger than their school.

As it was a few minutes away from night-time setting in, the lights were turned on, making it that much more of a sight. And there were quite a lot of people already, a few even looked like journalists. It made Kenji nervous, but he resolved to go inside.

What didn't surprise him was that there were a lot of people inside too, but what did surprise him was how nice the place looked. There were several floors, but it seemed like they set up a checkpoint that day to prevent people who shouldn't be past it.

Exemptions were made for employees, staff, the committee members, and of course for Kenji himself. He walked up to the checkpoint but didn't have to wait until someone got to him.

"What do you need? Purpose of visit?" the man asked.

Kenji was very much nervous and stuttered a little.

"I-I'm here for the Anti-Disaster Committee meeting."

"I'm sorry, but that's only for the committee members. The public cannot be present."

"But I'm the representative from Raizen High School. I even got an invite!"

He showed the man the invite, a letter, directly addressed to him.

"Oh, pardon me, my bad. Kenji Miyagawa? Can I please see your identification?"


He handed him his ID. The man nodded his head and gave it back to him.

"Everything's correct, you may enter."

Kenji passed the checkpoint and stepped onto the other side.

"Do you perhaps need a guide?" the man asked.

"Haha, I guess I would get lost here, this place is huge..."

"No problem, we've prepared ahead of time. A second, if you will."

He called someone as Kenji eyed the place. It had furniture and plants as décor, benches, and notice boards all around. Even a carpet, and of course the stairway which led upstairs deeper into the complex.

"All right, your guide will come shortly. Please wait here, I must get back to my job."

"Thanks, I will."

The man got back to guarding the checkpoint as Kenji waited for his supposed guide, which came up to him not long after. It was a young woman, which confused him, but she was dressed formally.

"Good evening, Sir. Are you the ADC representative from Raizen High, Kenji Miyagawa?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah. I was told you could navigate me around here..."

"And navigate you I will. The meeting will start in a bit, it's better you get seated by the table sooner than later. Come, follow me."

She started walking off as he followed her.

They walked past a handful of people, mostly middle aged and older men, and women. The two, Kenji and his guide stood out. Strangely, no one seemed to mind.

Eventually, they made it in front of a large door. The guide stopped.

"This is where the committee meets and adjourns. There's a seat reserved for you, are you prepared to go inside?"

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now