Chapter 19

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Tohka talked with the guy selling the sausages.

"Hey, secret agent! Can I have these strange shaped wonderfully smelling objects?!" she asked impatiently.

"Hello there. If you want one, they cost 100 yen each."

"What's 100 yen? I really want them!"

"Do you not have any money on you?"

"Money? Hmm..."

She looked in her pockets but didn't find any object resembling "money."

"No... But please, just a few!"

Her interaction was drawing the attention of some people, drawing some of them near the stand.

"Secret agent...? If you really want them so much, then you can have some," he giggled, rather enjoying the interaction himself.

He put four fresh barbecue sausages on a stick into her bag as her face lit up again.

"Thank you! Shidooo!" she called out as she ran back to him.

"Look what I got! That secret agent gave them to me!"

"Sausages on a stick, huh?"

"Is that what they're called? Let me try one!"

She took a bite and once again, her expression was filled with ecstasy.

"Shoo good! I didn't think anything could taste better than what I ate before, but I was wrong!"

"You never ate food like this, Tohka?"

"No... Mm!"

She chewed on her sausage as Shido observed her discover the taste for her first time. Then, she opened her eyes and finally realised that there were people all around them.

"Where did all these people come from?! They're launching an all-out attack?!"

She nibbled on her snack and eyed the people around her.

"In that case, I'll wipe out the entire area before the mecha team arrives."

"W-Wait a minute, Tohka!" jumped in Shido, worried.

"What are you doing? Don't interfere, Shido!" responded Tohka.

"They're just normal people going about their day, like us! They don't want to hurt you, I promise!

"Hmm..." wondered Tohka as she finished the sausage.

A kid nearby came to the trash can and threw something away. The three looked at the younger boy.

"Mommy! Mommy, I threw away my trash!"

His mom came to him and kneeled to pat his head.

"That's a good boy."

Tohka assumed a scheming face and literally devoured her other two sausages, before throwing the sticks and paper that came along with them into the trash bin.

She ran back to Shido afterwards and leaned her head over. He realised what she wanted and blushed.


Shido gave in and petted her head. She closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy it very much.

"I think I understand now. This is what a date is, isn't it?" asked Tohka.

"You're not completely wrong, but no."

"I see. This date thing is truly complex. Oh! What's that, Shido?!"

She ran towards another food stand with excitement.

"You want to eat even more?!" blurted out Shido, as he ran after her.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now