Chapter 23

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High above Kenji down below, Shido and Tohka stood by the playground overlooking the whole city. As the Sun was setting, they had a really nice view of the sunset, directly. In the distance, they could hear birds and feel the warm breeze.

From up there, Shido's home felt so small. It was one of the times he realised that there is a beyond, something other than Tengu city. And yet, he held it dearest to his heart.

"Hey, Shido, what does that transform into?" asked Tohka, pointing at a train. She was holding the giant bread plush close to her body.

"I'm afraid to say that trains don't transform," replied Shido.

"What?! Do they combine?"

"Well, I guess you could say that they do."

They gazed at the sunset, both revelling in its beauty.

"Shido, today was a lot of fun," said Tohka.

"Good. I'm glad to hear it," replied Shido.

"I still wish we had gone into Dream Park, though."

"P-Pretend that never happened," blurted out Shido.

"If that's what you want, then I will. So, Shido, just what is a date? I couldn't come to a conclusion."

"Well... I guess it's when two people go out, and... have fun and stuff. Be it a boy and a girl or otherwise."

"Oh, is that all it is? Then we were definitely on a date today!"

They both stepped up to the railing, looking out at the city and the forest below them.

"Dates are really nice," said Tohka.

"Yeah... Still can't believe how many people we met today, though. As if my whole world walked through today with me," said Shido.

Tohka giggled.

"Especially Kenji and Tonomachi, right? It's becoming hard to not remember their names and faces. You two were kind to me from the beginning, since we met. And today was a reminder of that."

"You deserve it, Tohka. I just wonder if I do..."

"What do you mean, Shido? Why wouldn't you?"

"I'm not that great of a friend. Or a brother... Until now, I was just a nobody. Still am, in fact."

Tohka turned him towards herself and grabbed his shoulders.

"That's not true! Your friends go out of their way to help you and even risk their lives for you, because you are a good person! I... I would too!"


She let go of him and looked towards the city again. Just like she was once surprised by his words, now he was left speechless by hers.

"I thought this world was as dark as the other one I go to, but now that I look at it, it's so colourful and vibrant. Where a setting sun is this bright, not clouded by smoke and ash..."

Meanwhile, Captain Kusakabe and her AST squad were on an elevated point, a fair distance from the playground. Origami stealthily landed on one of the cliffs and had her sniper aimed at Tohka, patiently waiting for her chance.

"This is unbelievable," said Captain Kusakabe, viewing the situation with her binoculars.

"A Spirit appeared without triggering a spacequake, and it has made contact with several humans, including that boy. Going further, we've not received any reports of anything to do with her," she continued.

"Permission to snipe?" asked Origami.

"No. The higher-ups haven't decided yet. This has never happened before. We haven't even evacuated the area, so I think we'll just be keeping an eye on her."

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now