Chapter 20

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The woman turned around. Her vivid eyebags and blue eyes looked at them both with wonder. Unbeknownst to them, it was Reine herself. The Analysis Officer and Assistant Teacher.

"Um, hello?" said Kenji, confused.

"Was that "Hello, there" directed at us? If so, hello, there indeed," said Tonomachi.

"You are Tonomachi Hiroto, right? And this is...?"

Tonomachi wrapped his arm around Kenji's shoulder.

"This here's my good friend Miyagawa Kenji. Cool names, right?"


He really just told a stranger my full name... But how does she know his name in the first place?

Reine looked at Kenji before Tonomachi pulled his arm off.

"Pleasure to meet you both. There's something I'd like to give you."

"If you're trying to sell us something, we're not—"

"Don't worry, this won't come at any expense to you. Here."

She gave Tonomachi a pair of coupons for a certain establishment called "Yamazuki." They were worth five-thousand yen each. Both boys were rather shocked.

"H-Huh?! Excuse me, are you sure you didn't misunderstand us for someone else?" asked Kenji.

Reine faintly smiled at him.

"Kenji, right? No, I'm quite sure you five—or at least Tonomachi—are who I wanted to give these to. To receive... is to give. That is the saying, right? Anyhow, have a pleasant day."

She began walking away, waving them off. Kenji reached after her.

"H-Hold on! This has got to be..."

Soon, she was out of their sight. Kenji sighed while Tonomachi still looked ahead of himself in deep thought.

"What was that? Who gives strangers coupons worth ten-thousand yen? We need to give them back to her."

"Hm... Do we? She insisted on giving them to us, so shouldn't we consider this a gift from the heavens instead?" asked Kenji passionately.

"...If anything, consider it a gift from a kind stranger. Fine, we'll keep them. Their loss for walking away and placing us into this position."

"Hah-hah! That's the spirit! And it just so happens I know this Yamazuki establishment. Coincidentally, they're a very fancy restaurant! Do you know how much food we can get with five-thousand yen each?!"

Tonomachi was almost drooling already.

"Well, we are hungry... I don't know if we should, but..."

"No ifs, no buts! We deserve to treat ourselves after arduous shopping that came to fruition! Let's go!"

He began walking off as Kenji once again hurried after him.

Meanwhile, Origami picked up the observation device and put it to use. The device was spying on Tohka and Shido as they walked with a high-fidelity camera and blurted out its conclusion of its analysis.

"Entity match: 98.5%."

Origami was watching everything from her phone, and she was on call with Captain Kusakabe.

"There's no way this is a coincidence. But why?" said Kusakabe.

"The Spirit is not wearing an Astral Dress. It is our chance to attack," replied Origami coldly.

"You're in the middle of a city. Do not do anything rash. Besides, that civilian boy is too close to her for us to act, even if you were in the middle of a dessert."

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now