Chapter Eight . The Land of Myrddin

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Main Pic: "The land of Myrddin is 'Carmarthenshire'. Such romantic countryside, remarkable for its scenery and its beauty. These lower mountains can't overcome such blemishes.  We deal here in fantastic beauty, more than desolation and grandeur."  

Chapter Eight

The Land of Myrddin

I turned nine years of age, on the 20th January 1968... and I had a small birthday party with some friends. The twins, Bethan and Susan came together with their mother, who helped mum in the kitchen. Mandy Rees my friend from the street was also there. Anthony Grennan arrived late because his brand new super ten-speed derailleur had a puncture. Henry was there with his girlfriend, Mavis big-ones. They spent most of the time in his bedroom playing records.

Tony Quaglia, Nello Gergantic, and Geraldo Carpennini arrived like a New Dock road gang.

They came with a pack of dogs, to say happy birthday... and that was about all they said to me. They scoffed most of the food and pinched some cake for the dogs...

"The dogs love birthday cake," said Geraldo, with pockets bulging. Then they went home through the Morfa way! ...Tough people them Italians.

Ants and Mandy went home earlier. I sat together with Beth and Sue on the sofa watching the telly. A well-liked British comedian was on the box. Charlie Drake.

"Leo, my love, I'm going to the phone box to phone Uncle Hugh. Do you want to come with us?"

"Who's us, mum?"

"I'm going to walk Mrs. Morgan home on the way."

"Mummy, can we stay to watch the telly?" asked Susan. "Charlie Drake's on, it's nearly finished."

"Mum. Why are you phoning Uncle Hugh, anyway?" I asked.

"He asked me to call when all your friends had gone; you know he doesn't care for children running around him. He wants to come and wish you happy birthday. He has a surprise for you."

"Oh! I wonder what book he has for me this time!" I thought. Maybe it's a book all about sex, because I'm getting older now. I don't mean the dirty magazine type sex... Saw one once; found it down by the quarry. It was called 'Parade' and there were pictures of women showing their top part, 'all of it'. They looked so pretty and it made me feel all funny like... my billy wouldn't go down for ages. Anyway, I used part of the magazine to wipe my bum after I made a poo; not that I'm against dirty mags with rude pictures, it's just I didn't want to use the leaves. They would have made my bum all damp and ticklish.

"Come-on girls, let's go home! Mrs. Evans will walk us to the door, or you can run ahead to watch the telly. Say thank you to Mrs. Evans for a wonderful party, and say happy birthday to Leo."

"But we already said happy birthday when we sang the song!"

"That was together; now say it from you!"

"Okay then, Happy Birthday Leo." They said at the same time.

I walked them to the door.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Morgan."

"Bye love! And look after your mother you're a big boy now!"

"Yes, Mrs. Morgan."

Beth and Sue ran ahead to watch the end of Charlie Drake. The last person to leave was Mavis. She pocked her head into the living room to say goodbye and wish me happy birthday again.

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