Chapter Twelve . Godfrey's Missing Leg

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Chapter Twelve

Godfrey's Missing Leg

*Authors Favourite Chapter.

"Mum, there's school like normal tomorrow, yeh?"

"No son. The yard and bottom annexes are still flooded; there was more torrential rain overnight. There's school again on Thursday, I think. Depends if it rains, I suppose."

I was a little upset because I'd finished my essay on 'What do you dislike the most,' and was looking forward to handing it in. Wednesday was English and Geography; as well as Math's, which didn't matter, as I've lost my aversion towards the subject.

I glanced up at the clock. It was just gone twenty-to-three.

"Mum, I'm going up for a short kip, I've got a little stomach ache. Can you give me a shout in an hour?"

"Yes, love. ...Are you going to the pool later?"

"Yes, I'll go over to Beth's for tea."

"I'll prepare your swimming bag."

"Thanks mum."

On my way to the street where Bethan lived, I noticed a white-ish dog that looked like Limpy. I thought for a moment that I might be seeing a ghost dog. "Com-ere boy!" Then the dog began to growl, so I looked away and walked on. I missed Limpy's company, and Cutie my other dog. They had both died. I had to put Limpy down because of distemper, and how awful that was! Cutie just nodded-off. I wondered if dogs could be ghosts?

I knocked on Bethan's door. Her twin sister Susan answered.

"Hello Susan. Is Bethan coming out to play?" I asked, childishly.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm only kidding... Where's Beth?"

"She's upstairs. She can't go to the pool as something's happened to us both. I was the first. Bethan only started today." she blurted out as if to boast.

"Sue... What on earth are you on about?" I asked, befuddled.

"You know every month, we're women now!"

"Oh, that! You're menstruating. You have begun to have your periods... It's about time!"

"There we are... Do tell the whole street, won't you! Come-on in."

"Hello, Leo," said, Mrs. Morgan. "Bethan's upstairs. She's all shy. Something entirely natural happened to the girls. Funnily enough, it happened to Susan for the first time this morning. They can't go swimming, I'm afraid."

"I understand, but they can still spectate, or help with bottom club. They don't have to hide away for four or five days each month."

I heard the toilet flush and the sound of steel toe-capped boots coming down the stairs.

"Hello, Mr. Morgan. Nice day?" I said, as he entered the room.

"Nice day? The towns bloody flooded - my car's under four feet of water - and my butcher died. It might be a nice day for you my boy, but I'm going to bloody miss his sausages!"

He went over to the door and shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Bethan! Come down for goodness sake, you've been in your room for hours. Come and talk to your boyfriend... He's not Dracula!"

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