The Sushi Saga (Wild and Wind)

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On one of my Tumblr posts someone said Wind was like a tiny icelandic Gordon Ramsay. Then I started thinking about him and Wild cheffing together and now here we are.

feat. Twilight


"Alright, I think that's everything," Wild announced, rolling up his sleeves as he examined the kitchen sprawl. Every inch of the wooden table was covered in a variety of different ingredients that aside from the fish and a few of the vegetables, Wind didn't recognise.

He also didn't recognise some of the equipment laid out. Strange objects like the little mat made of lightweight sticks arranged one after the other and held together by string, and little wooden batons were completely foreign to him. Still, he was excited to try then out. "Cool let's get started."

The pair were making sushi, a food invented by the ancient Sheikah of Wild's era. Since the recent Calamity, while trying to integrate the Yiga peacefully into society, they attempted to reconnect with their ancestor's culture. Some recipes belonging to their tribe came up in the Royal archives and of course when Wild heard of this he rushed to help with recreating the dish.

"You wouldn't believe how many versions there are of it!" Wild exclaimed, checking the rice's texture. "We'll stick to just this rolled variety though, it's the only one I can do properly."

"I kinda don't see the point though," Wind said, getting ready to cut bite sizes of tuna. "Don't get me wrong, those sketches looked really pretty but it seems like such a hassle for such a small amount of food."

"Well, I don't think they ate it all the time," Wild responded, satisfied with the rice's progress he went to go check on Wind. "Mostly for special occasions- why are you holding the knife like that?!"

Wind looked up at baffled hero, his innocent expression reflecting genuine perplexity despite tightly gripping the kitchen knife in an unsettling reverse grip. And raising the steel blade above his head. "Like what?"

"Like that!" Wild said, gently lowering the sailor's arm. "It's already dead, what good will stabbing it do?"

"Wasn't gonna!" he protested, still holding the knife. "You wanted small pieces right? So, if I'm doing really precise cuts I'll want a comfortable knife grip yeah?"

"A serial killer would call that hand grip 'comfortable', not a cook," Wild said, sighing.

"Just piss off and let me focus!"

Wind elbowed him to the side and carefully brought the knife down, as if the fish was still alive and he didn't want to startle it. The boy practically moved in slow motion, for almost a minute had passed before the sharp tip of the metal had even made contact with a single grey fish scale.

After a few minutes of very little happening Wild began to lose his patience. "You're er, you're making that face again-"

"Shut up!"

"What's up with you?" Wild probed, puzzled by his hesitation. "I've seen you butcher a giant monkfish. This should be easy."

"This is very different," Wind said, setting the knife down much to the champion's relief. "I don't have much experience doing this."

"How come?"

A red hue shyly crept up Wind's face, even spreading to the tips of his ears as he quietly answered, "My Grandma's always done it. She hasn't even started teaching my sister yet."

Wild chuckled and ruffled the sailor's tangled blond locks. "Let me take guess, she didn't teach you either."

Wind huffed, but let him continue to smooth out his hair. "Yeah well, you'd be out of your depth if this fish was 5 times bigger."

"I sea. Well, maybe you're right," Wild said, going over to the sink to wash his hands and laughing when he heard Wind call out "I am!".

The rest of the afternoon went by with only a few more little mishaps, like Wind almost handling boiling hot rice, but eventually they were able to make a decent spread of sushi rolls. It was the early evening when they'd just about finished cleaning up and setting the table ready for dinner.

Wild was wiping the stove when Twilight walked in, the first to arrive back. He took one look at the table layout and only had to raise his eyebrows for Wild to dive into a lengthy explanation.

"Sushi?" Twilight rolled the word around in his mouth as if deciding whether he liked the sound of it or not.

"It's really good," Wind said, fishing out a bite sized piece of rice wrapped with tuna and seaweed. "Here try this! Don't bother with the tiny batons, they're impossible to use."

"Chopsticks!" Wild called out.

"Whatever." Wind handed over the piece Twilight. "Here ya go!"

The rancher took the new food and rolled it around in his hand, as if deciding whether or not to eat it. After some coaxing from Wild he took a deep breath and shoved it in. Eyes closed, he chewed slowly as the other two heroes looked at him expectantly, waiting for the verdict.

Whether or not Twilight wasn't a fan of the word he definitely wasn't a fan of the actual thing, because not only did he grimace seconds after tasting it but he hurried over to the nearest bin and spat it back out.

"Oh seriously?" Wild rolled his eyes. "What a waste of good food."

Twilight coughed and went to get a glass of water. "I'm sorry I just- wasn't expecting that texture." A shiver ran down his spine. "So squiggy."

"I don't get it, you like fish don't you?" Wind asked.

"Yes but," Twilight said, taking a big gulp of water before continuing. "I don't think that was cooked anywhere near well enough."

"It wasn't cooked at all," Wild said, glancing at Wind.

The two heroes watched in amusement as the colour drained from Twilight's face and he looked desperately towards the bin.

"Should we tell the others that before we eat?" Wind asked.

Wild leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Twilight hover by the bin. "Hm...maybe just Hyrule."


Word count: 940

Yeah I put ocean puns in my fanfic. Water you gonna do about it? :)

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