Next Shift (Warriors and Twilight)

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Two dumbasses with self-sacrificing/people pleasing issues trying to look after each other.


The two men stare at each other in silence. The night air holds a chill and a calm ambiance, made up with the snores of their brothers sleeping peacefully around them and soft crackles of the dying campfire. Twilight stands in front of it arms crossed, the warm orange hue casting a glow around the outline of his figure.

"My shift isn't over yet," Warriors mutters, sitting up straighter and trying to subtly shake his leg awake. "Besides Sky's after me. Not you."

"I'll take over."

"...Fine." Warriors leans back on the tree trunk behind him. "I'll wake you up in 15 minutes."

"You expect me to fall asleep in 15 minutes?" Twilight asks patiently.

"No harm in trying. You usually sleep like a log," says Warriors, smirking up at him despite the struggle to keep both eyes open. "Actually, why are you up this late?"

The rancher pulls a face. "Never mind that, you should go to sleep. Don't bother rolling out your bed roll, just go and use mine."

Warriors closes his eyes, as if that would make his current problem disappear. "You're ignoring my question."

"And you're exhausted. Go to sleep."

"If I say no is there any chance you'll leave?" Even though his eyes are closed the smirk persists.

Twilight sighs at the sight of Warriors' limp body slumped in front of the old tree stump. He stands there for a moment to consider his next move, glancing at the others to make sure that they're all definitely asleep, even Time. Then without warning, in one smooth motion, he picks up the captain and slings him over his shoulder like a heavy sack of rupees.

An strange noise escapes him as he's abruptly lifted from his uncomfortable seat and paraded through a campsite that luckily has no conscious witnesses. His arms and disheveled hair sway with the motion as grass wizzes past his sphere of vision in a green blur. In a half-hearted attempt to be let down he jabs at Twilight's back with his elbow, but the rancher pays no notice.

Although Warriors doesn't physically put up a fight, he still stubbornly insists on staying up. To the point where Twilight has to shift into wolf form and pile on top of Warriors legs to keep him lying down. Eventually, he gives in and succumbs to his fatigue.


Word count: 383

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