Recovered Regrets (Whole Chain)

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The chain are compelled to find out more about their purpose, why they were all brought together and the cyclical nature of their existence. Four suggests that they go back to the beginning, find out how it all started and maybe that will lead them to answers. It is assumed that Sky was the first, so they ask him about who he fought and what happened.

However, Sky's memory of the fight is "hazy". The only thing the chain are able to get out of him is an oddly detailed description of how it felt to channel lightning, showing his scars as a graphic visual. Two things that are very out of character for him. As it so happens they're in Warriors' era and the Captain reluctantly takes the chain to see Lana and Cia at the Valley of Seers. After explaining their situation the all-seeing sorceresses give them a crystal where if Sky asks sincerely enough it will show him what happened that day.

They try activating the crystal there and then but it doesn't work. They wait until they leave the Valley of Seers and try again...but nothing happens. It's not until a week later when they're camping in a completely different era does the crystal finally awaken and let them witness Sky's battle.


"Idiot, parry it." Wild barely spoke above a hushed whisper. He couldn't risk raising his voice any louder lest Legend snap at him. Again.

He'd already made more than a few unwanted comments regarding the placement and timing of Sky's sword strikes. To him it was all worth pointing out, but the others didn't see it that way, including the person they were aimed at. In fact, Sky had become relatively unresponsive since the crystal had come to life. While a little strange, Wild tolerated his silence, giving him the benefit of the doubt since he'd vaguely said that he couldn't quite remember what happened.

Wild's eyes had been glued to the moving images for so long that the colours began to bleed together, and for some reason, instead of staying at a fixed third person view the angles kept changing. At one point he saw Sky's back, the other he saw the Demon's, and sometimes there were even close ups of their faces. It was jarring.

However despite all that, he and the other heroes were able to follow along with the flow of battle, each analysing the dual with the knowledge of his own past experiences. The group sat in a messy semicircle with the campfire to their backs, a few of them were wrapped in a blanket to keep out the night chill and sat on a sleeping mat. Despite the brutal fight playing out before them, the overall mood was light-hearted. Wind, Four and Hyrule cheered when Sky landed a particularly well executed move. Legend smiled, Warriors nodded and Twilight reached out to playfully nudge him when he blocked a particularly heavy blow, taking the impact without yielding. Even Time seemed impressed upon seeing the first lightning enhanced Skyward strike.

Wild seemed to be the only critic. The strange thing was that he wasn't sure why he couldn't be as enthusiastic as the others. Was it jealousy? Perhaps. Wild had long been bitter of Sky's achievements, his ease at completing his quest and how he seemed to be favoured by the Master Sword. Whatever entity was inside that blade Wild was convinced it resented his weakness.

Even though he knew he wouldn't like watching the fight, he didn't expect to feel this agitated. It wasn't that Sky was doing well against the demon that bothered Wild, because it wasn't flawless, excluding the 101 mistakes Wild had pointed out without request, he could tell the fight was taking its toll on Sky. Haggard breaths, stumbling back from heavy hitting blows and channelling lightning...Wild knew that feeling well and he'd only ever wielded a fraction of such a power.

Yet despite all that, something felt off.

Sure Sky's scars were distinctive. The jagged discoloured streaks that branched up from his hands to his upper arms would have been enough of a reminder to the events of the battle. For him to want to never recall the specifics was understandable, but what could the crystal show them that Sky could've just told? Nothing Wild was seeing seemed to warrant such forgetfulness.

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