Smoke Signal || (Wild x Reader)

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Chapter 1 || They're here...!

I find Sky, Wild and Time's dynamic really interesting and wanted to write about it again. It's not directly related to Recovered Regrets (I actually wrote this before) but has a similar vibe, also I roped in a reader insert.


"Uh...Wild?" Hyrule said pointing at the now glowing Sheikah Slate. He picked it up and upon seeing the Sheikah eye symbol on the screen, showed it to the young Champion. "There's something going on with your slate it broken?"

Wild paused from choosing between putting swift carrots or tough pumpkins into the soup and looked at the screen. When he saw the blue dot he dropped the vegetables and seized the device, eyes wide and focused. "'s..."

"Activating?" Four suggested, alerted to their conversation after hearing the thud of pumpkins hitting the ground. "You haven't been able to turn it on for a while and now suddenly it's glowing-?"

"What's going on over there?!" Legend called out joining them along with Sky and Warrior.

"We think Wild's slate might be working again!" Four said, alerting the rest of the camp.

"Yeah it's glowing and stuff," Hyrule added, marvelling at the entrancing blue hue.

"I think..." Wild began as the other gathered around him. Twilight approached to place a hand on his shoulder and Wind bounced over to get a better look. "I think, it's responding to something..."

"To what? This isn't your Hyrule," Warrior said, hand on his hip and sporting a sceptical look.

"The slate was made by the Sheikah, it could be reacting to another old Sheikah relic," Time offered, eyeing the device carefully.

"A relic this far back in the timeline?" Four said, "Seems unlikely."

"No- Time's right- it's responding...but not to a relic," Wild said, his breath hitched and his heart began to race as the realisation hit him. Hastily, e tapped the screen and began to do all the inputs Purah and Zelda taught him to hopefully bring up a map.

"If it's not a relic then what is it?" Wind questioned as he and the others observed the Champion operate the device.

Eventually the screen sprang to life. No map was displayed, which was to be expected without Sheikah Observation Towers, however something much more valuable to him appeared.

A bright blue dot on the black screen accompanied with faint dark blue gratings. That dot had an arrow which moved with Wild whenever he shifted the direction of his device. Even better, that arrow was now pointing towards another blue dot.

"I-I can't believe it...How...?" Wild gasped.

"What is it?" Twilight quietly asked, patting his shoulder supportively. The others crammed in closer to get a better look and waited for Wild's explanation.

"Okay, you guys see these two blue dots? Well, the one with the arrow is us- see how it moves along with me? And the other dot is coming from another Sheikah Slate, that means there's another Sheikah Slate user here!" Wild explained. "And we're too far into the past for it to be any of the Sheikah from 10,000 years before my time. So it has to be...but how? I don't understand-?!"

"One thing at a time," Legend said crossing his arms. "Who do you think it is?"

"It has to be y/n!" Wild said, an ecstatic grin gracing his face. "They're here! I don't know how...? But..."

He moved away from the others, inadvertently shrugging off Twilight's hand as his speech divulged into giddy mumblings. He may not understand how they did it, but he knew why and was determined to find them first.

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