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I just want to share some stuff I thought about.

So, enjoy!


So, about cooking.

Blue is a good cook, we all know that. Cross isn't a person who can cook good, he mostly just heats up store-bought meals rather than make his own.

But listen here! Blue is definitely going to teach Cross how to cook, like give him tips and all.

But then... what if Cross gets cooking classes to try and impress Blue??? What if Cross 'kidnaps' or nicely asks someone who can actually cook (probably Horror or Nightmare) and yk ask for tips and how to make certain dishes Cross knows that Blue will love.

Gosh, imagine them just cooking together. Blue guiding his partners hand as he whispers how better Cross is getting in the kitchen.

Them having food fights! Although, I doubt they would have them often since Blue is very tidy and doesn't like making a lot of mess.

Cross sucks at cooking and he isn't afraid to say it, but Blue is very determined to make Cross good at it, even if Cross doesn't really want to. However, once Cross sees the determination in Blues eyelights... he just can't let him down.

What about baking?

I'm sure Blue loves baking as much as he loves cooking. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he was good at it.

Cross will definitely burn everything, don't trust him with that.

Oh god... Imagine an afternoon where Cross and Blue are hanging out in Blues kitchen, Cross tells Blue that he wants something sweet but is too lazy to get up and go to the store.

So, Blue decides to bake something, even if Cross protests saying that it's fine.

... What if Blue feeds Cross the stuff he bakes?? That's too much for me.

What if Blue makes a chocolate cake, chocolate anything, for his lovers birthday?? Or maybe Blue just does it because he felt like it.

Cross would die on the spot after he would get a chocolate cake or even a cupcake from Blue. Especially if Blue did it because he felt like it. Cross feels so important after Blue gives him something that he made just for Cross!

Wouldn't be surprised if Cross would get jealous if Blue baked or cooked something for his friends. But I don't think of Cross as someone who would get really jealous about simple stuff, so. Cross might be a little jealous at first, but then he forgets it because Blue is his partner and yeah. No one can steal his partner, they can only steal Blues pastries and dishes.

Oh god... Imagine Cross giving Blue something he baked, but Blue freaks out and his soul literally melts even if what Cross made wasn't perfect. Like, Blue mostly thinks of others rather than himself so... Getting something from your lover??? No wait, getting something that your lover baked for you, even if they suck at it??? Congrats, you've killed Blue!


Cross usually calls Blue "flower" or just by his name. I like to think that Cross uses "Swap" whenever things are serious, but I often forget about that so yeah, I might try to put it in my recent stories though.

Cross is okay with petnames but in reality he loves them, just in secret though. Like, he just adores the moments when Blue calls him something like "panda" or any other sweet pet name.

However, there is one pet name he doesn't really enjoy, which is "prince". If anything, Blue is the prince! But then again, imagining Blue protecting him is... just too hot for Cross to handle.

Blue calls Cross "panda" or maybe even "penguin", he also uses classical petnames such as "love", "sweetie", etc etc. Whenever Blue is in a flirty mood or felt like telling a joke or something similar he likes to call Cross "oreo".

Blue loves petnames and sometimes encourages Cross to use them, but always says that it's fine if he doesn't want to.

Blue dislikes being called "Blueberry". If it's as a joke, yeah sure he might let that slide. However, please just use Swap or something. He doesn't enjoy fruit puns either, he grew tired of them.

If someone uses them Blue will surely snitch to Cross or Dream, or maybe just glare at them.

Cross x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now