A Joyful Winter

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I do not know how I did this so quickly, but here you go, a kinda short but lowkey cute oneshot.


Cross fucking hated this weather.

He almost slipped ten fucking times.

Ten FUCKING times.

Not to mention Killer can't stop being an annoying ass when it comes to snow. That asshole broke Cross' window by "accidentally" throwing a rock instead of a snowball, but everyone knows Killer did it on purpose.

Cross obviously wasn't a fan of winter. The cold, yet beautiful nights made him grimace, sure, they were beautiful, but they were stupid too. Not to mention he can't see shit whenever it snows, it also gets into his eyesockets which isn't pleasant at all.

But then again, Cross looked forward to those cute, warm moments with Blue. Drinking hot chocolate or even tea together, watching a movie while sharing a blanket, making fun of others and also teasing each other, and not to mention Blue building a snowman with him.

There was a lot more they did, but it would take hours to mention everything!

The creaking of the wooden floor caused Cross to immediately look over his shoulder, his gaze softening once he saw Blue with the two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. Blue had a beige sweater on, his iconic blue bandana wasn't anywhere in sight, making Cross remember that Blue wrapped the bandana around Cross' neck after he complained about the weather again, effectively shutting him up. Blues cute slippers were also present, Blue never goes anywhere in the house without them.

It's cute though.

But Blue is cute after all.

Too cute sometimes.

"Are you going to start complaining about the weather again?" Blue asks in a teasing way, his smug smile wasn't something common, but hey, Cross loved seeing it anyways. "Brighten up, Cross! Snow isn't that bad."

Cross rolled his eyelights with a small smile. "Whatever you say, Blue, but I'll still hate it."

Blue hands Cross the cup of the hot chocolate. "I'm sure this will improve your mood. Besides, you can do so much in Winter, not to mention the holidays."

Holidays, right. The mention of human holidays never failed to make Blues eyelights twinkle in curiosity and excitement. The fact Blue liked learning about humans was something so obvious, only morons wouldn't notice Blues enthusiasm whenever he mentioned a human holiday or various cultures humans had.

And what is Cross?

A moron, but sometimes a big goof.

"You're talking about Gyftmas, right?" Cross raised a brow as he took a sip of the hot chocolate, not caring about how warm it was. "Humans have... Christmas or something."

Cross wouldn't have known nor cared about those holidays if it wasn't for Blue. Cross didn't have a reason to celebrate some meaningless things when all he had on his mind back then was his au.

"Correct!" Blue giggles, placing his cup of chocolate on the table before he sat down next to Cross on the couch. "Did you already pick out the movie?"

Ah, right, movies. Cross didn't like picking them out, he didn't like all of them. But recently, he did start liking a few. Although, he isn't a big fan of Christmas movies like Blue. Does that mean Cross won't pick a Christmas movie?


Cross doesn't have any braincells to pick out another movie, besides, Blue enjoys them, so, why not?

"Yeah, ever heard of Krampus?"

"Oh, yeah! I like that one, even if it's a scary movie. It's not that bad."

"You're so brave, Blue." Cross said, although he meant it as a joke. But it didn't mean he thought Blue was a coward, it was the opposite actually.

"I know, I'm the most brave person to exist!" Blue grinned. "Because you, the majestic Cross, is here with me, the magnificent Blue!"

The sound of Cross' sweet laughter made Blue giggle. The warm feeling in his nonexistent stomach could warm the iceberg due to how warm it was. Actually, it wasn't that warm. It's was just... a nice feeling, alright? Albeit a bit weird.

"It's true though!" Blue takes a deep breath as he continues talking. "I feel like I can do anything when I'm with you, like, anything."

"Yeah right, don't do anything illegal though."

"Why would I? I'm a polite person who obeys the law!"

"You said that and then you broke into someone's backyard just to pet a dog."

"He looked lonely and sad, okay??? Besides, it wasn't a strangers backyard, it's was a backyard of a close friend of mine!"

"And here I was, thinking you were a good guy."

"But I am!"

"Don't take it to heart Blue, I'm just teasing you, anyways, let's just... watch the stupid movie."

"It's not stupid, you're stupid."


"WAIT, I TAKE IT BACK CROSS. Haha, just kidding."

"Yeah, yeah, you're cute too."

Cross x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now