You're my Sun

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Not me taking a big break and then reading a Crossberry oneshot only to come back and write like 1k or 2k words in one sitting. I love this. Also, just a warning, the start is a bit terrible, but I think my writing gets better later.


Today is a special day.

Cross glanced at the calendar in his room, almost all days in this month were crossed with a black marker. Cross looked back at his phone with a small smile, excited about today. Today was their anniversary, and while it was hard to go on dates in secret, Blue always made it worth it. Oh, the hopeful little helper of Dream, he was the reason Cross gained hope, hope that the future will be better than the present. And it certainly will be, just because of the bright star Blue was and still is.

Blue should be here soon, while Cross doesn't think its a good idea for Blue to arrive at the castle, Blue was stubborn like a donkey and made sure Cross agreed (Blue used his secret technique, the puppy dog eyes). Cross still didn't like the idea, but at the end, he agreed.

Cross looked at his room, the usually messy room turned into an unbelievably tidy one. It was almost out of character for him to do so, but hey, Blue doesn't like messy rooms. Cross rolls his eyelights, knowing he's sound like a maniac when he says he would do anything for Blue, but its true. He'd even attempt to kill Nightmare for Blue. However, Cross wants him dead from the beginning, so, it wouldn't be surprising if he did attempt that.

"I seriously don't get how you manage to enjoy his presence," Chara says, breaking the nice and peaceful, but also rare silence. "He's so obnoxious.."

Cross rolled his eyelights at Charas rude comment about Blue, did Chara seriously think Cross would break up with Blue after his countless rude insults? Unfortunately, Chara will have to start liking Blue or just live in hate for the rest of whatever 'life' he has. Cross didn't care enough to respond to Chara though, he didn't feel like arguing.

The knock on his door made Cross jump and almost drop his phone, but he thankfully caught it before it dropped down onto the floor. Cross immediately glares at the door, already mad at the person who decided it was a good idea to knock him out of his nice thoughts about his anniversary with Blue. Cross sighed before getting up from his bed and slowly, as if he didn't want to (because he truly didn't), went to the door and opened it.

Behind the door stood Dust, a grimace visible on his face as he looked at Cross, who just opened the door. Dust wore his usual clothing, the dusty sweater along with the dusty jacket, however, Dust didn't have his hood over his head, making it much easier to see his face. Cross raised a brow as he stared at Dust, waiting for Dust to finally say something.

"So..." Dust started, glancing away from Cross. "...Horror found something that belonged to you, or he thinks it does."


Cross didn't lose anything, or did he? Cross looked at Chara, who also had a confused expression on his face. Chara shrugged his shoulders once he realized Cross was staring at him.

"...Uh, what?" Cross answered, looking back at Dust. "I didn't lose anything, what do you mean?"

Dust rolled his eyelights. "...Don't pretend to be stupid, Cross. You know exactly what I mean."

"Imagine he's talking about Blue." Chara chuckled at his own words, which only made Cross more irritated by the whole situation. "Are you going to argue?"

"I seriously don't get what you're saying."

"Oh my asgore..." Dust groans in annoyance, clearly bothered by the fact Cross doesn't understand what he means. "Blue. Your stupid little boyfriend is here. And I hate the fact he and Horror are having a conversation."

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