A Little Bit of Worries

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Is this angst? Nah.

ALSO YES, the art in here is the cover. How the fuck are they so fucking cute like how, I seriously need to draw them a lot now

Warnings: swearing, nothing more than Cross being a worried baby, no angst I promise



"It will be fine!" Blue grinned at Cross, who didn't seem convinced. "I promise." Blue adds once he notices the worry in Cross' face.

"What if something happens?" Cross took Blues gloved hands into his own, a small frown on his face as he looked down on the ground.

"I'm...sure it will be fine." Blue wasn't sure of it, but he wanted to think positively.

"Can't Dream just take care of it?"

"No, Cross, he can't," Blue replies. "We are a team and— and we obviously work together."

"Hey, Blue...?"

Blue hummed as a response and continued to stare at Cross with a small smile. Blue knew Cross loved whenever Blue smiled at him, so, Blue wanted to make him feel better.

"If something bad happens, promise me you would tell me about that."

"I will."

Cross sighed and glanced at Blue, he knew he couldn't change Blues mind. However, Cross did adore Blues bravery, but it didn't mean he wasn't concerned about Blue being too kind or naive for his own good.

"Can't I go with you?"

"Dream wouldn't mind," Blue said, which made Cross relieved since he would love to go with Blue. "However, I don't think it's a good idea since this is Nightmare."

Cross obviously didn't have a good past with Nightmare. It was nice Blue was thinking about this, but Cross still wanted to go, regardless of whether that asshole is there.

"Well, I can still go," Cross replies. "Besides, I really need to see you in action."

"You've already seen me when I was doing my training."

"It's not the same."

Although Cross was worried about Blue getting serious injuries, it didn't mean he would miss a chance to get another nice memory. Besides, Blue is hot, especially when he's training.

"Cross!" Blue laughed as he looked away. "You're making me shy."

"That's a good thing, right?"


As much as Blue would love to spend more time with Cross, he knew he needed to help Dream out. Apparently Nightmare was being a dickhead again.

"Well, I need to go now," Blue said. "I don't want to worry or annoy Dream."

"What about me? I'm worried too!" Cross laughs, he trusts Blue not to die there, but he still worries a bit.

Blue rolled his eyelights with a slight smile.

"Crossy," Blue replies and looks at the clock, knowing Dream would be here soon. "I promise to spend a lot of time with you today."

"Oh really?"

"Yup!" Blue grins. "Dream should be here soon, after I get back we will have fun."

"I can't wait." Cross glanced at the clock with a small frown, he will try to not worry.

"Unfortunately you're going to have to wait for some time, it might be long too."

Maybe Cross should try cooking something for Blue since it doesn't sound like a bad idea.


"It's fine Dream," Blue says, looking away from Dream, only to look at his home. "I'm still a part of the team and I don't want to be left out."

"It's just that I'm a bit concerned about you and your health," Dream responds, staring at the ground with a nervous smile. "I'm sure Cross reminds you about this, but remember to take breaks and, y'know, eat."

"Yeah, yeah." Blue starts walking towards the front door with a slight smile, knowing Dream cares about him and his health. "Thanks for caring Dream."

"You're my best friend after all, how could I not care?"

It was nice to know someone other than your partner cares about you.

"You're the best."

"You're better than me," Dream responds, turning away to leave. "Don't even try arguing about that."

"Dream, unfortunately for you, I'm always right." Blue turns to look at Dream, his gloved hand on the door handle. "Which means you're the best."

"I can't argue with someone better than me."


"Haha, see you tomorrow, Blue."

And with that, Dream left.

Blue took a few breaths in and out before opening the front door since he was smiling a bit too much. Blue already had several ideas on what they should do together since Blue did promise to do something nice.

"Cross, I'm home!"

Blue loved being home with Cross, it didn't matter what they did together, all that mattered was the fact they did it together.

Blue wouldn't mind killing someone with Cross.

Only with Cross though.

"I was starting to worry even more!" Cross shouts from the kitchen.

"You're such a baby.."

Heh, it was nice coming home after having to deal with some dickhead called Nightmare, especially coming home and being able to hear Cross' voice once again.

"Well, you did say we would do something nice today.."

"It would be awesome to watch a movie, right?"

"Hell yeah Blue, which one?"

"You choose."

"No, you choose."

Cross x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now