Small trip to the library.

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I kinda want to rp this ship with someone, but yk this ship is well... Not the most known.

Anyways, enjoy. This may be short, but I have a longer oneshot that I'm still kinda finishing.


"Who would've thought this would actually be a nice date," Blue said as he glanced around the library. "I'm not a fan of reading, but this will definitely be lovely."

"Heh, told ya." Cross replied, he wasn't a fan of reading either, but it sounded quite romantic to read something with Blue.

Well, atleast that's what Killer said after he ranted on about how nice it was reading with Nightmare (even if Nightmare was an asshole). So, Cross thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to go to a nice, peaceful place with Blue.

"What do you like to read Cross?" Blue quietly asks, as to not disturb anyone else who was in the building with them. "To be completely honest, I enjoy reading a book with some good drama, but I also love thrillers."

Drama? Thrillers?

Blue doesn't seem like the person to enjoy reading those types of books. However, Cross knew Blue better than most (but Dream knows Blue even more, somehow), so Cross wasn't really surprised to hear Blue liking to read about drama since Blue loves making others fight just for the "gossip".

Heh, Blue is really adorable.

Even if he's a fucking chaotic gremlin sometimes.

"Hm, I'm not sure," Cross tried to answer Blues question, but like he said, he wasn't sure. "I guess I do kind of like science fiction."

"Really? I like it too!" Blue responded a bit too loudly, which made the librarian quickly shush him. "Sorry." Blue glanced at the librarian with an apologetic smile.

"We could read some romance and cringe together at the terrible writing." Cross proposes a normal idea, not the best, but it's not the worst.

"Mweh, I'd rather die than read something similar to 365 days." Blue softly chuckles at his own words and then starts to walk in some random direction to try and find some interesting book.

Cross rolled his eyelights with a small smile before following Blue. Cross had to admit, romance books aren't his thing, but he would gladly read them if Blue wanted him to.

"..Hmm, I should probably text Horror for some recommendations." Blue mutters, grabbing a random book only to put it back on the shelf once he saw the title.

"Since when do you have Horrors number?" Cross quietly asks, glancing at the book Blue just put back.

"Since always," Blue replies before continuing. "Believe it or not, we're actually pretty good friends."

"That's... nice." Cross was a bit hesitant with his response, mostly because he knows Horror is definitely not the best person to hang around (he knows from experience).

"It is!" Blue loudly whispered, turning around to look at Cross with a smile as he held up a book. "How about we read this one?"

The books cover was quite simple, only one colour and the title itself sounded quite pleasant. Cross stared at the book Blue was holding with a curious, yet unsure stare. "A gentle reminder" was the title of the book Blue seemed interested in.

"It might be a good one, but maybe let's look around some more."

"Mhm, alright." Blue nods and puts the book back on the shelf, where it was a few moments before. "I'm definitely coming back for this book."

Cross stared at the shelves, trying to spot a book, which could be somewhat interesting. Now that Cross was thinking, it would be nice for Blue to get some recommendations from Horror.


Cross turns around to talk to Blue, but Blue is nowhere to be seen. Cross stays still for a few seconds before sighing, he wasn't really worried since Blue does wander off a lot. However, it would be nice for Blue to tell him where he's going, but it's fine.

Cross looked back at the shelves, which were containing old and somewhat newer books, before turning around and walking up to the book Blue wanted to read and picking it up.

Knowing Blue, he's probably texting Horror and asking for some recommendations for maybe Blue went to ask someone else for a recommendation of a good book. Cross still doesn't understand how Blue can talk to strangers without worrying, but then again, Underswap is a pretty peaceful AU.

Cross holds the book in his hands, strolling around while looking around for Blue.

Reading with Blue sounded like heaven, even if Cross wasn't the biggest fan of books. However, its not surprising that Cross would spend time with Blue doing something he didn't enjoy. Cross would do everything for Blue (and vice versa), well almost... The only thing Cross wouldn't do is throw out good food.

Look, Cross is not getting his head chopped off, okay?

Cross x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now