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Haley never knew how long a pregnancy could last(well she knows but what she meant how slow until her mother gaves birth to her new sibling). Regardless, she still took care of her pregnant mother alongside her younger brother Steve.

"Thanks honey" Her mom tells her as she gave her a cup of hot tea as requested. "How is everything going for you dear?" she ask as she put the cup down into the table with a clot to protect it.

"Nothing much but just taking care of you mother" Haley said "I plan to get a second job if possible and Jeff is hunting for a job" her husband decided to help out since her mom got pregnant which was a few weeks after her dad's death.

Francine smiles gently as she rubs her swollen stomach, gently touching where her baby was growing "I appreciate both of you for helping me out" she felt tears swelling her eyes "I love you so much" she went to her daughter's side to hug her.

"Mom be careful!" The young adult said carefully making sure that her mother could hurt herself. The blonde chuckles softly "I forgot how much of a worrywart you can be" she jokes as Haley smiled.

"Mom!" she said laughing softly "Im only worried for you" she added. The blonde's expression turned soft before giving her a teary one.

Hormones Haley concluded.

"I love you honey" Francine said wiping her eyes silently. 

"I love you too mom"

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