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Francine was at home rubbing at her swollen stomach, just thinking about her future and her new soon to be child which was her late husband Stan Smith. I mean she had sex with him prior to his death and hadnt had sex since.

She was ready for birth.

She was ready to become a mother again even if her two children were young adults at this point. She winced as she gently patting down her swollen stomach, she was feeling odd recently and she wasnt sure what is the caused of it.

"Geez why the hell am I feel so werid" she mumbles to herself "Maybe because I feel uncomfortable somehow" she said outloud to herself.  "Mom you okay?' Steve said as he enter the house with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah Steve" Francine said giving him a weak smile "Just the baby is giving me some troubles" she chuckles softly before wincing to which Steve noticed. "Mom are you sure your okay? It seems more than just that" Steve points out.

"Its fine" Francine froze and she stare down into the floor, which had a small puddle around her. "Mom!" Steve cries as his mother kneel down groaning in pain. Steve wasnt sure what to do but call his older sister.

"Steve whats going on?" His sister said to him as she picked up the phone. "Come home quick! I think mom is in Labor!" He cries and he could hear her gasp lightly "I be home quick!" Haley tells him "Hang on and comfort mom the best as you can" She demanded.

"Sure thing" Steve said before hanging up. 

"Haley is coming soon so hang on mom" Steve tells his mother as he was rubbing on her back. "Ahhh Steve..thank you.." His mother spoke with labor breath "I love you dear" she touched his face on her free hand "Thank you.."

Steve smiles softly "You got this mother" 

Francine smiled weakly.

She was ready for her third child.

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