Arrival of a new sibling

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"Haley and Steve Smith" Both stood up abruptly as the doctor made his way to the children "Your mother is  doing just fine" both siblings sighed with relief. They had been worried for their mother when the staff took her in.

They didnt have any updates since then.

"She is room 205" he tells them both "But with a word of caution: Just be on your best behavior as not to stress her out" Haley and Steve nods silently. "Thanks Doc" The elder child said as they both made their way to their mother's hospital room.

"Mom?" They open the door to see their exhausted but feeling very blessed Francine holding a bundle in her arms. "Hey you guys..wanna see your new sibling?" Francine smiles weakly, trying hard not to sleep.

"Sure" Haley and Steve took a peak of their new sibling. How tiny the infant was, sleeping in her mother's arms in comfort. How much their mother had to endure in order for their sibling to arrived safe with success.

It was a baby girl as they expected.

"Aww how cute" Steve said while Haley couldnt stop staring at her new sister "What are you going to name her?" he ask his mother. 

"I was going for Luna Francine Smith" Francine smiles "She was my unexpected, miracle baby" she explained. "What a great name mom" Haley smiles at the older women. 

"Do you wanna hold her?" she ask her eldest daughter who nodded "Sure" Francince handed her the baby before she quickly passed out, sleeping. "Wow she sure is exhasuted" Steve pointed out as his sister snapped her head to him, slightly glaring.

"Well given that she gave birth..its common sense" Haley snaps before quieting down quickly before the baby starts to cry. Steve mumbles an apology before focusing on his new sister.

She couldnt help but be attached to her new baby sister already.

Steve was the same way as well.

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