Bitty Banquet hosted by Error (✨Cursed✨)

495 15 13

(Blue x Error)

This is another collaboration with SpoopyToast1

Implied abuse, 'surprise adoption'

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

When no one was looking he snuck off to the gang's rooms and stole their bittys one by one.

Then he sneaks off and steals everyones bittys he steals from random strangers, sanses, and even from the Bitty stores.

His favorite bitty is Blue and definitely NOT because he has a crush on the bigger version not that he has a crush on him nope not at all.


  "I am gonna be the BEST bitty dad in the multiverse!" Error said.

  "Who the fuck is this guy?" Asked a bitty. The others just shrug.

  "I am just sticking around for the chocolate in his pocket." A bitty said, munching on said chocolate.

  "Hey! Don't eat my damn chocolate!" Error shouts.

  "L." Says the bitty.

  "Why did we get adopted by a boomer?" A bitty asked.

  "Hey, at least we are adopted!" Said the Blue bitty.

  "Thank you, Blue!" Error says.

  "Booooomer..." Says an Error bitty.

  "Shut it, you're adopted." Error says. Then the bitties lip started quivering. "O-Oh, wait-"

  The bitty starts crying. "Oi! Look at what you did, daft cunt!" Shouts a Swap Fell Sans bitty.

  "I didn't mean to!" Error cried.

Error picks up the crying Error bitty and starts patting the small bitty's head until it stops and wipes away the tears with his scarf.

"Dad, can I have chocolate now??" A Cross bitty asked.

"No, not my chocolate!" Error replied. "But you can have Skittles instead..."

He leaves through a portal for a few minutes and comes back with a tied up screaming Ink sans and drops him on the floor. "Dinner served."

And the Ink bitty says, "we can't eat him, he isn't cooked!"

Ink tries to shout "TRAITOR!!!" through the tape over his mouth.

A few of the bittys giggle and the Horror sans bitty responds with "As funny it would be if we ate the bigger version of Ink we can't eat skeletons. I would know I tried..." And the other bittys look at him as if he has two heads.

"A bigger version of ink or-"

"Then what do bittys eat???" Error replied.

And the Horror bitty responded "We eat normal foods like you but smaller."

"So chocolate ok." Error responds

"No like normal foods." One bitty says.

"There's other foods than chocolate????" Error asks confused. The bittys just stare at him until a horror sans bitty responds

"Chocolate is not even food it's candy..."

  "There's a difference between those things??" Error asked incredulously.

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