Rainy Day Parades (Fluff and Angst)

493 12 5

(Bad Sans Poly)

Requested by lenabeaniboo


Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

  So tired, Horror sat down on the group's couch and closed his eye socket. The other one literally couldn't close which made it difficult to do things like wink. He heard his boyfriends drying off, they just completed a mission in the rainy section of Waterfall, and joking together.

  "Finally Dust got someone wet." Killer teased.

  "I swear to god, Killer." Dust hissed. Killer laughed, and Horror heard the others laugh too. "It was an accident! I didn't notice that puddle there, you act like a MEANT to push him into it!"

  With a small smile, Horror drifted off to sleep. He was still wet and cold, but he could get dry later. For now, he just wanted to take a little nap.


  Pain flared up in Horror's skull as his head was crushed. The sharp, toothy grin of Undyne watching was burned into Horror's mind as his head was crushed harder and harder. His eyelights were filled with static as his skull cracked.

  He couldn't even scream, all the breath stolen from his non-existent lungs. There was nothing crushing his head, no device or monster causing his pain. It must be magic, or maybe some force beyond his understanding making sure he wouldn't leave the throne room alive. It hurt so bad that Horror's ability to think was leaving him, only pain filled the space where thoughts used to exist. That and panic, blind panic like an animal in a cage took over all rational thoughts that even dared to enter his head.

  And then, his skull shattered like glass and he fell to his knees. Blood filled his skull like a bowl, trickling down his shattered eye sockets and down the groves of his face. Bone fragments floated in his skull as he struggled to not fall over.

  With a loud cracking sound of glass, Horror woke up gasping. He quickly felt his skull, his hand slipping into a hole in his head. 'Wait, was my dream real? Where am I?' Horror thought, realizing he couldn't remember where the hell he was.

  "Oops." Said a voice. Who was that?

  "Fucking idiot. You gotta clean that up or the boss will be mad." Said another voice. Who...? It sounded so familiar.

  Horror hugged himself, panicked breathing increasing. 'Ok, ok, think. Where the hell am I?' He thought. His mind brought up the words 'home' and 'mansion', but still the memories didn't come back. Vaguely, he started remembering being outside this place, planting? That still didn't bring anything up in his head.

  "Rorry? You ok, babe?" Cross asked. Horror looks over into the hallway, recognition sparking in his skull. That's right! This was Cross, Cross was his boyfriend, his best friend, kind, trustworthy.

  "C-Cross..." Horror mumbled. The other skeleton came over and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. Slowly, more memories trickled in, chasing away his panic. He was home, there wasn't any immediate danger.

  "Was it a nightmare?" Cross asked. Horror hugged the smaller skeleton close.

  "Yeah... And then I... I forgot where I was. I thought I was back in the throne room..." Horror said. Cross sat on his knees, kissing Horror on the forehead.

  "Well... You remember now, right?" Cross asked. Horror nodded. "Good, good. Just know that you're safe here, Rorry."

  Horror nodded slowly, resting his head on Cross's chest. Cross comforted Horror as best as he could, patting his head and back. He texted the rest of the group that Horror was in need of emotional support, and in no time at all the others were here.

  "Hey, big guy." Killer said, sitting behind Horror. "What's wrong?"

  "Bad dream..." Horror mumbled.

  He was so happy that his lovers were there to comfort him. Not all of them were great with words, but they still cuddled him, reminding him quietly how much they cared.

  Eye socket closed, his shaking stopped. How did he get such good lovers? It always astonished him that he somehow got lovers that never judged him, that were funny, they were nice, and that they were all around good people. To him at least, they were still murderers.

  "You should dry off and get into fresh clothes. You'll get sick if you don't." Nightmare advised.

  "Then we can cuddle afterwards." Cross said.

  Horror nods and teleports to his room. Only now was he realizing how cold he was. Taking off his jacket, he tossed it to the bed and only felt colder. He changed as quickly as he could, practically purring at the warmth of his new clothes. And then, he went down to where the others were. He could hear them from down the hall seeing as they were shouting at each other. Something about Killer doing something stupid. But was it really news?

  "You can't just hit and expect it to work." Dust said, rolling his eyelight. "You're probably making it worse."

  "Suck my dick. It works in movies, asshole!" Killer said.

  "We aren't in a movie, you brain cell deficient slug." Dust hissed back. Horror started coming down the stairs and was able to see Nightmare whomp both Killer and Dust on the back of their heads. "Ow!"

  "Both of you sit down and stop acting like feral cats before I get the squirt bottle." Nightmare said.

  "What's going on?" Horror asked.

  "The TV isn't working and Killer tried hitting it and cracked the glass." Nightmare said, rolling his eyelight.

  Horror sat down on the couch. The others, lacking anything else to really do, snuggled against him and started falling asleep. Cross and Dust were cuddling with their heads against Horror's side and arm. Nightmare had his head against Horror's shoulder and iller laid across the two of them on his stomach. Killer was already half asleep, Cross was completely asleep, and Dust wouldn't be awake much longer either.

  "You can talk to us about anything, you know." Nightmare said. Horror looked over at Nightmare. It wasn't like the other to openly display how he felt. Nightmare wasn't looking at him. "I... I am not good at showing what I feel, but I will always be here to listen to anything you want to talk about."

  "Thank you, Night. That's so kind of you." Horror said, affection swelling in his voice. Nightmare groaned and turned even further away from him.

  "It's been a long day. You should sleep." Nightmare advised.

  "Translation: we should all go to sleep before Night reveals how much he actually loves us." Killer said, sleepiness thick in his voice.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. Shut up." Nightmare said, feeling embarrassed and a bit panicked.

  Killer laughed sleepily and slowly slipped into unconsciousness. Horror closed his eye socket and rested his head against the back of the couch. He felt much safer sleeping now, hoping for no more nightmares for the rest of the evening. When he woke up, he'd have to cook for his boyfriends and then probably head off to bed. He drifted off to sleep imagining what he'd make when he woke up and no doubt had a dream about food.

  Nightmare pulled the blanket off the arm of the couch and covered himself, Horror, and Killer in the blanket. 'How did I get stuck with this group of idiots?' Nightmare thought, affection invading his soul despite not wanting it too.

(1248 words.)

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