Chapter 38

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I followed as Kate swooped down towards a house that would have been nice if it weren't neglected. The boarded up windows and doors looked out of place in the lovely suburban neighborhood.

"We should search inside first," Kate said after we landed. "If we don't find him there, I have another idea of where he might be."

I nodded before freezing the boards on the front door solid. I followed up with a swift strike of my staff and shattered them onto the cement. The door swung open on its creaking hinge.

Kate led the way inside and through the house. Photographs sat covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs hung off the walls. All the personal items you'd expect a family to have stood untouched, albeit musty and showing early signs of dilapidation.

The Spirit Eater wasn't home, I could feel it. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, he was still inside my head. Though it was convenient being able to tell when he was near. Does it go both ways though, I wondered. Is he able to tell I'm coming after him? It could all be a trap if he knew we were coming, but that thought had already crossed my mind. I didn't care; I had to try anyways.

"He's definitely been here recently," Kate said as she led me through the kitchen.

"What makes you so sure of that?" I asked in confusion.

"You mean you don't see it?"

"See what?"

Kate pointed to the empty air. "The tendrils of darkness he leaves behind. I've been seeing them all over people since I became a spirit. I think they only stick to mortals and non magical objects, because I've never seen them on you. And based off of what you told me, he's been with you a lot."

Though I could tell Kate tried to say it as if it weren't a big deal to make me feel less insecure, I still cringed at the topic. "N-no, I can't see them. Must be a light spirit thing," I said as I tried to push down my negative thoughts. You're causing problems for everyone. If you give up your pathetic life to save the world maybe- just maybe, you can make up for it. Fuck, just shut up. I shook my head to myself, as if I could shake away the voice. "Could we use that to track him?" I asked, trying to get back to business.

"No unfortunately the traces don't stay for long outside or in big areas. But after we clear the house we can check the other location I have in mind and go from there."

"Right," I agreed as we continued our search. It seemed weird to me how well Kate was handling being back at her old house. Though perhaps she was still processing and the weight of it all hadn't fully hit her yet. Whatever the reason, I was glad at least one of us had their shit together.

"You take the basement, I'll look upstairs," Kate instructed as she pointed me in the direction of the stairs.

I took them two at a time until I reached the concrete floor, eager to have something to do other than think. The air felt thicker in the basement, heavier. It wasn't until I looked up that I knew why. I stumbled backward and slammed into a shelf causing breakables to fall off it and smash to the ground. When I walked forward I didnt even notice the glass cutting into my feet, because what stood against the far wall was so captivating. Not captivating in a beautiful way, captivating like the scene of a murder. And murder it was, in a way. In front of me was what seemed like a trophy case of souls the spirit eater had tortured into taking their own lives. Though there were hundreds of them trapped in glass jars before me, I suspected it wasn't all of them.

Tears came to my eyes. These were the people that needed me while I was being weak. No more. I will not be weak anymore, I decided. No matter what that bastard tries to make me think, I will fight for them and for people who will become them if I succumb to his darkness.

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