Chapter 12

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I continued telling Jamie all about my life until the sun started climbing it's way up the horizon.

"I think it's about time I get back to being a guardian now, I've been away long enough. I'll be back to visit soon."

I stood from his bed and grabbed my staff with a genuine smile on my face. For the first time since I found out about my memories, I felt like I was going to be okay.

Jamie smiled back and replied, "promise?"

"Yes, I promise. See ya later, kid." I said as the wind blew open a window and carried me from his bedroom.

Once I was high in the sky, I looked at my staff and smiled. I could feel a chill coursing through my veins as snow started falling from my fingertips. It was a light flurry at first, but soon heavy snowflakes were coming down on our small town, covering it in a blanket of white. The sun was nearly at its peak now, shining down and making the flakes glitter like diamonds.

Looking at the beauty all around me, I felt lighter than I had in hundreds of years. The boulder that was weighing my heart down was lifted and I could finally have some real fun. I wanted this moment to last forever so I could soak up every bit of it, but I had a job to do.

Carefully, I started to descend towards a group of children playing in the snow. The wind set me gently on my feet and shoved me toward them with a gust of chilly air.

"What, you want me to play with them?" I asked with a half smile on my face.

She responded with another shove, and suddenly, I understood. She wanted me to get them to believe in me.

"You want to hear the truth?" I whispered into the breeze.

She shook the trees in a nodding motion, urging me to continue.

My talks with the wind were mostly one-sided since she can't very well respond with a definite answer, just hints and gentle shoves in the right direction. Even though she's a spirit like me, I'd never seen her take solid form. I always wondered who she was and why she became a spirit, but I could never ask her because she could never answer.

"I-I'm afraid of rejection," I stammered. "For 300 years no one could see me, no matter what I tried. I got lucky with Jamie and his friends, but what if this time I'm not so lucky?" I leaned my head on my left arm which was resting on my staff as the wind ruffled my hair.

Most of the time the wind is gentle and caring, like a mother. This was not one of those times. She stubbornly blew snow in my face, some of it sticking to my eyelashes and brows making them glitter under the sun.

"Hey!" I laughed, "what was that for?"

Another shove.

"Okay, okay, I'll try. Geez, you don't give up without a fight do you?"

She blew the trees in a horizontal dance to let me know that, no, she does not.

I ran my left hand through my hair with my staff still in it and started toward the children.

There were four of them, all boys, and all around Jamie's age.

"Okay, I can do this." I breathed to myself.

I strode toward them with less than an ounce of confidence that I hoped wasn't crushed by the end of this.

"Over here, Greg!" Shouted the boy farthest to my right. He had a thick blue winter coat on, paired with grey gloves and snow boots. He was taller than the others and had fiery red hair as well as freckles that scattered around his brown eyes. "We're gonna take on Matt and Cam. Here take this," said the tall boy to the one he called Greg and passed him a snowball.

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