6: Spending time with you

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"Why don't we watch a horror movie or sumthin?" Dave crossed his arms, basically pouting. Why couldn't he man up and just watch a romance movie with you? "Dave! You know I hate those! And why miss out on a good movie like this?" You threw yourself on the couch, sighing. He growled and got comfy beside you. You felt his arms wrap around you, "So you're giving up?"

"Fer' now.. I am."

He rested his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes, of course he was gonna sleep. You pushed his head gently with your shoulder and he shot his eyes open. "You aren't falling asleep on this movie..we have to enjoy it together." You whispered in his ears, starting to grin. Getting to piss off dave was fun at times, especially when he wouldn't be fair. "Oh, fock off! I don't wanna watch this crap!" He yelled, throwing his hands everywhere. He was just like a child at times, throwing a fit because something didn't go his way. You grabbed his hands and slowly brought them down, "LET GO OF MY HANDS! OR ELSE I'LL SLAP YE'!" He tried to shake off your tight grip but couldn't. He eventually gave up and threw his head onto your lap. He relaxed himself and let his attention fall onto the love story. You played with his hair, keeping a nice calm slow pace.

"Ew. Kiss scenes are nasty.." Dave groaned, covering his eyes with your hands. He kept them there for a really long time, trying to miss the whole movie. You moved your hands away from his eyes and went back to playing with his hair. "You aren't missing anything, love." You evil grinned, and went back to watching the movie. Meanwhile, Dave was becoming a hot pink. He didn't mind calling you love, but you calling him love? He buried his head in your lap and began whining a bit. He didn't wanna watch a love movie or get called love.

"Thank the lords that stupid movie is over!" He laughed, jumping around like a child. You sighed and attempted calming him down. But of course, the short annoying man kept bouncing off the walls. "Dave! How about we go get dinner together?" You suggested, hoping he would calm down. He looked over at you and rolled his eyes. "I refuse to leave this good ol' place.. unless it's fer' Texas!" He chuckled and ran into the kitchen. You found it quite cute how much he loves your house, he probably got used to it over time. It was like he was your roommate, he was at your house as much as possible. You walked into the kitchen and saw him pull a chocolate cake out of your fridge. Was he a magician now? You had no memory of buying a cake. "I stole it from a party..stupid focks thought they forgot the cake!" He chuckled and grabbed a fork. He offered you a fork and you couldn't help but take it. Yeah, he stole the cake, but cake is really good.

The two of you giggled with cake crumbs everywhere, what a mess. "I feel kinda wrong for eating this.." You stuttered, looking down at the cake. You dipped your fork in for another delicious bite but he stopped you, "If ye' feel bad, I'll take that bite.." He opened his mouth and waited for you to feed him the small peice of cake. You sighed and slowly gave him the peice, making sure to not touch his teeth with the fork. You hummed as you placed the fork back down. "Preciate it!" He smiled and kissed you on the cheek. You looked over and smiled, "Yeah, your very welcome."

When would the idiot asked you out? Or were y'all already dating?


638 words..sorry Dave was a lil bitch in this 😭.. BUT HOW DO WE LIKE IT SO FAR?


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