10: Forget You

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Dave was hogging the bathroom, like always. Probably messing around with his hair or whatever. But it gave you a perfect chance to snoop through his stuff, which was wrong in a way. But you were really curious, the bag literally glowed.

You slowly unzipped it, definitely not prepared for whatever you'd see. You slowly opened the bag up, and froze. It took you a moment to understand what was even happening. But, it was there. In front of your face. What was there to understand? The remnant William had was in Dave's bag. William's wallet was in Dave's pocket. He looked like William. Reminded you of William. What was there to understand?


Dave threw himself on a chair, clearly bored. "Ye' alright?" He asked, watching you slowly look up at him. You didn't know what to do, confront him? He had to be William. And you hated William. So you hated Dave. "No. Nothing is wrong." You sighed, stabbing your fork into the Alfredo you made. He jumped at the sudden aggression, but shook it off. Dave started to eat his food, something was on his mind. "I'm not hungry." You said, clearly angry. You looked up at him, and rolled your eyes. You couldn't stand to see his stupid face any longer. He shot up from his chair and bolted over to you, "Can you stop with that stubbornness..?" He pulled you in, and all you wanted to do was throw him off you. He tried to kiss you, but you moved your head away. "I would like to meet your roommates." You growled. This would prove everything. If William's brother came to the door, it gave you the perfect excuse to scream at him. He let go of you and showed zero expression, "No." He picked up his plate and walked away. He wouldn't let you meet them, which made you even more angry. He knows you'd recognize Vincent.

"Are you not gonna sleep with me tonight?" You asked, standing beside your bed. He stood at the doorway, tapping the wall. He eyed the glowing bag, filled with remnant. Then he looked back at you, "I don't know." He walked up to you and held your hands. You tried to loosen his grip, "Stop that." He held onto them tighter. You sat on the bed, bringing him onto it too. He kissed you, which you were fine with this time. "Lets just sleep. Okay?" He sighed, flipping over on the bed. You held him close. Letting the quietness soak in.

"Why do you lie, William?"

'Dave' shot up, "What was that?" You looked him in the eyes, "I looked in your bag. How could it be so easy for you to lie?" You yelled, he got off the bed. He just watched you yell. "You're just full of shit!" You stopped, catching your breath. "Maybe you'd understand later on." He growled, grabbing something out the bag. "What the hell are you doing now?" You ran up to him and shoved him lightly. He yanked your arm away from you and injected the liquid in you. You jumped away from him. He pushed you down on the floor, then lifted you onto the bed. You screamed out, but he cupped his hand over your mouth. "You'll understand why later on." He walked away, or that was the last thing you remember.


"I'm sorry, Y/N. But we need to hire someone new. Dave has been gone for too long." Mr. Guy explained as slowly as possible. You looked down and fiddled around with your thumbs. Holding back tears was the hardest thing. "Whatever." You stuttered, feeling a single tear fall.

"Y/N, I heard about the new staff situation." Jeremy said softly, trying to not make you cry. You crossed your arms  and nodded. "I'm sorry. Maybe things will be better this way." Jeremy suggested, patting your back.

The end? I'm gonna start working on one shots and other crap. This was short, and I'm sorry. I didn't wanna end it so badly LMFAO

 I didn't wanna end it so badly LMFAO

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