7: On Your Mind

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                Tw: Mouth bleeding

It was starting to get to you, the whole William thing. You've never been so sad about it, especially when Dave is around. Your mind just throws itself to William, even when Dave is cuddling with you. Or just around you in general.

"Y/N, luv?" Dave whispered as you were giving him a little ponytail. You gave him a little 'hm?' and went back to throwing his hair around a hair tie. "Er...ye've been actin' strange lately.." He stuttered a bit, hoping you'd talk about your feelings. But you finished the ponytail and wrapped your hands around his waist. "Annndd..how do I seem strange?" You chuckled, bouncing Dave's ponytail around. "Has he been on your mind lately?" He asked, closing his eyes. You froze, and instantly knew who he was talking about. But you couldn't lie to Dave, "Yes, he has. I've been trying my best to forget him. But he's just a part of me." You sighed, placing your chin on Dave's shoulder. Did it have to matter?

You scrubbed your teeth hard, how could you carelessly think about William so much? It was starting to drive you crazy. Just thoughts about him crashing into eachother and making you smile. You two barely had good memories, so it was mainly your imagination creating fake scenarios. You're very ashamed. It got so bad Dave found out. The love of your life. Well, you and Dave weren't a 'thing' .. but he was basically your boyfriend. He just didn't know it. Anyways.. you stared in the mirror for a second and looked back down. Your mind was overflowing with thoughts, like it could just pop any second now. Dave ran up to you and hugged you from behind, "Ye've been brushin ya teeth for awhile now.." He chuckled, resting his head on your back. You spat out the toothpaste and saw red come out of your mouth. You shot your head up and saw blood spill from your gums. You scooped up some water from the sink and gargled, regretting brushing so harshly. Dave saw the blood run down into the sink, but chose to not say anything.

The Next Day at Work:

Again, and again, and again. Just William on your useless mind. You even thought of him while cleaning up throw up. Fucking throw up! But if it weren't for Jeremy's annoying rambling about you and Dave, another hour of thoughts would've been wasted on William. "Okay Jeremy, seriously, mind your own fucking business!" You flicked him in the back of his head and he yelped. Jeremy smacked your hand away and rolled his eyes. "Is it sooo bad that I'm curious about you and Dave?" He growled, watching the children run around. He rubbed the back of his head, still stinging in pain. "Yeah, very bad! Anyways, I need to go have lunch with Mr. Guy and Dave." You smiled, enjoying the fact Jeremy had to take control of all the kids. You skipped away, heading for Mr. Guy's office.

Creeeaaakk, "Ah, Mx. L/N! There you are." Mr. Guy grinned, placing down your fries and burger. You were excited to take a bite, the whole burger looked oddly appetizing. You took your seat and began unwrapping the burger slowly. "Mr. Miller here was just telling me about some adventures he had in Texas! You interested?" He looked over at Dave, and so did you. You grabbed a fry and handed it to Dave. He took it with pride, of course. You nodded your head, and Dave's rambling began. "Ya two will be shook when I tell y'all all 'bout this one. Texas is just a land full of good 'ol stories!" He chuckled, talking and talking and talking. You tried to listen, but William faded into your mind. You were frowning a bit, and Dave noticed that face anywhere. He knew who you were thinking about. His hand reached out and gently grabbed yours, which shook you back to reality. His cold hand holding yours. It felt like literal ice. You made eye contact with him and sighed.

"Ehh, why is an arsehole (asshole) on ye' mind so mouch (much)?" Dave groaned, nudging your shoulder. You tripped over slightly but caught your balance back. 'Jerk' You whispered, catching your breath. You looked over at Dave and finally answered your question, "I don't even know." You sighed, hugging Dave out of nowhere. You gripped onto him tightly, and he held you tightly back. "What's wro-" You stopped him from speaking with a kiss. He froze, still having his arms wrapped around your waist. You couldn't hold back any longer. It was almost like the thoughts screamed at you to just kiss Dave. And that it would feel .. nice? And it reminded you of William's soft kisses. You let go, looking at Dave's pink face. "W-wah..-" Was the only sound that came out of Dave's confused mouth. "Please, be my boyfriend." You said, watching dave grin slowly. He nodded his head and held onto you tight.

The Next Morning:

Ding.. you walked up to your door and opened it slowly. Dave was there, with flowers. They were huge, compared to him. You took them slowly and let Dave in. "For me?" You smiled, sniffing the flowers then resting them on the table. He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. You plopped yourself beside him and smiled. He tucked your hair behind your ears and kissed you softly. You felt safe, and the thoughts weren't there anymore.


929 words..finally hitting a big number! And also, finally, the dream couple is together! This was a lil angsty and I am very sorry 💀.. BUT YEAAAHHHH !!! also don't ask why the lore is nonexistent.. LMFOAOA (ur prob used to it by now..)


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