✫彡Love  languageミ★ Malleus☁️

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Requested by - kris_kirby
Type - Fluff☁️

A few Diasomnia students had brought to your attention, Malleus had requested Your attendance at his room.
At first a student offered to show you to his room, but before reaching his door, they chickened out last minute out of fear.
You knocked on the door, waiting for a response. A loud silence seemed to be a response.


You called his name again, But to no response.
You touched the knob of the door and twisted it gently, Opening it slightly gently pushed it far enough to poke your head through.
Soon pushing your whole body into the room, as you looked around, closing the door behind you.

The room was dark, but not dark enough you couldn't see, A few dimmed lanterns were placed around the room. But it still gave you an eerie feeling.
A set of warm lips landed on your cheek, spooking you a bit, and you quickly turned around to see Malleus.

"Malleus! You scared me."

You Let out a sigh of relief, but he just pushed a rosé from behind his back, towards you. He had a small smile on his face.

"It's a black rosé.. from... the- far reaches of Briar Valley.. I- I hope you like it."

His pale face had a hint of pink in his cheeks, You just gave him a soft and kind smile in return as he handed the rosé you took it and thanked him.

"Thank you Malleus, It's beautiful.."

You 're still shook about the Scenario, but you thought it was sweet of him, and you found it cute that he was being shy about it.
The next day he prepared a small basket in a thorn maze, with all your favorite food and snacks.

He was such a sweetheart, but still a bit shy.
He cuddled you and offered to feed you some snacks. Gave you a few kisses on the cheek and forehead. And complemented everything about you.
It was enough to make you blush a bit.

So you sent him some subtle flirtings, here and there. It made his face turn pink-ish. He let you braid his hair. You loved it and so did he.
And at the end of the day, he would turn on a tune and would ask you to dance. He was charming, but when you told him you wouldn't dance. He gave you a subtle smile, picked you up and placed you on his feet. And you'd dance like that until the song ended.

When you'd sleep over, you two shared a bed just to see the next morning to see you somewhat trying to big spoon him. Hand in hand. Your face is buried in his back. And if Sebek found you like that with his waka-sama, you would be scolded. But Lilia enjoys having you around and you make Malleus happy. So you're a good person in his book.


Word count - 494

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