Just A Thought - 0

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(NOTE: This was originally written in quotev, I'm just copy pasting it here lol)




...he just couldn't get her out of his head, every time she passes his mind, he always remembers the night where he was on patrol, when he first saw her, the way her voice flowed through the night, how her (e/c) eyes reflected the stars as she sat on-top the roof, her gentle hands strumming the guitar, and the tears running down from her enchanting eyes. for some reason, the thought of her tears brought a pain in his chest, why did he feel these overwhelming emotions towards a stranger?... what were these feelings anyways? Gripping his chest, he started to ponder, he was confused, but he knew for sure that he wanted to see the stranger again................

"LEO!" Raph exclaimed with an annoyed gruff "huh-? what?" Snapped from his thoughts he looked around to see who was calling him, it was his older brother Raph, seeing him face palm, he assumes that Raph has been calling his name for a long time, he just didn't notice.

(Leonardo POV)

"Leo, were you even listening to the plan? You know this is an important mission! We can't let April down when she specifically asked us for help!" "Psh of course i was listening to the plan! Buttt~ just to check if YOU know the plan, mind repeating it to me?" I said with a smug grin, obviously i did NOT listen to the plan at all, raph face palmed again at my comment and decided to repeat the plan "ok so, listen up leo!, here's the plan, first we sneak in aprils school wearing a cloaking brooch, then we locate the hidden mutant that has been terrorizing aprils school, we beat them up like a boss, DISCRETELY, and roll out!, capeesh?" "Uh yeah one question though, how are we going to find ONE mutant in a crowd of a thousand humans?" I asked skeptically while leaning on my very cool sword "worry not dear brother! i have got that covered with my amazing tech that can dictate if one is a mutant or not" Donatello said showing off his with pride while going on speech mode, giving a yawn i returned to my room to get some sleep before our mission, the thought of the stranger still lingering in parts of my brain.

(Donatello POV)

"Uh yeah one question though, how are we going to find ONE mutant in a crowd of a thousand humans?" Leo asked his voice lacing with a skeptical tone, giving a smug grin i pulled out my tech that will be of great help to our mission "worry not dear brother! i have got that covered with my amazing tech that can dictate if one is a mutant or not" i said showing off my newly amazing built tech "with this we can easily tell if one is a mutant or not just by wearing it infront of our eyes! It can even disguise itself as ! And if you ask me, they look rather fashionable, so alas, Feast your eyes upon!—— aanndd they left..." a sigh of disappointment left my lips, seeing that all 3 of my brothers have went back to their own rooms to get some rest, not even trying to pretend to listen to my 'yapping', so i too went back to my lab and did some re-adjusting to my newly built tech for tomorrows mission as my thoughts wonder off in excitement that i could finally attend a normal high school.

(Raphael POV)

Leaving the room while donnie was having a brain speech, i went to my own room to rest, my mind wondered off to Leo, worrying that he's been spacing out more than before ever since his last patrol, i worried a bit if something bad might have happened to him and he couldn't talk about it, i argued with myself (aka brain raph) if i should go talk to him now or just wait for him to open up, and decided that i should just wait till he's comfortable enough to tell me if somethings up with him, yawning, i felt my eye lids getting heavier and soon drifted off to sleep.

4 Days Ago During Leo's Patrol


I could hear my parents arguing again, the yelling, the breaking plates, the crashing... i just wanted for all of this to go away, before i knew it tears starts to fall from my eyes, having enough of their fighting i grabbed my guitar, went out the window and climbed up to our apartments roof top using a ladder attached to it, this was always a safe spot for me, the night time always brought me comfort, the cold air, the beautiful stars, the glowing moon, it always helped me feel better, and singing always helped me distract myself from...bad thoughts... giving a tired sigh i grabbed my guitar and started strumming while singing a .

Finishing my little song i failed to notice the shadow figure from across the other buildings rooftop until it started to move, i looked over from where i saw a shadow figure move and all i saw was nothing, perhaps the night was playing tricks on my eyes today, or maybe it was from the lack of sleep and dehydration, regardless i decided this was enough and returned to my room praying that my parents stopped fighting and luckily when i got back it was quiet, placing my guitar down i layed onto my bed and let myself succumb to sleep

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