Just A Slight Oopsie - 2

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Y/N (P.O.V)

While making my way to the cafeteria, I suddenly remembered and a wave of guilt washed over me once more, Changing my destination, I decided to visit him at the nurse's office, unknowingly missing the trouble that's about to brew within the lunch room. Knocking on the white painted wooden door, the school nurse answered and greeted me with a kind smile, allowing me to enter, I scanned the room in search for a person with blue hair, spotting my friend reading a book, I headed over to his rest bed. Noticing my presence, he turned his attention away from his book and looked up "oh! hey (y/n)..so uh, how's class...?" he asked with a grin, revealing an ice pack tied over his bruised eye, ahh...why is he so nice, now I feel REALLY bad, Giving a sigh I pulled out a piece of bread from my bag that I managed to snag at home before I hurried to school, and gave it to him, "again, I'm really really sorry about the eye...but class was pretty great though actually" I said with a small smile resting upon my face, remembering my new friend and my potentially also new friend, ralph.

"really, its ok (Y/N) you don't have to keep apologizing" he said with a kind tone and a closed eyed smile, closing his book, he returned his gaze to me, and with a teasing tone, said "Though I am quite curious about what made you smile like that (n/n) " getting caught off guard about his sudden shift of attitude, I slightly regained my composure, crossing my arms and with a goofy pout replacing my small smile, I said "what smile" making him give a little chuckle, "oh come on~ don't think I missed that small smile when I mentioned about class, even with half of my vision, I still have good eyesight you know" he said giving a teasing smirk, giving a sigh, I retracted his statement saying "It's not what your thinking ok, I just made a new friend 'is all" hearing the words come out of my mouth he replaced his teasing smirk with a grin "That's great (n/n)!, any chance I'd be able to meet them?" perking up about my friend having an interest in meeting my new friend, I grinned with glee "yeah! they might actually be at the cafeteria right now actually" smiling at this he said with a smile "great! I can actually go there right now, and uh don't tell anyone but I only pretended to be in a bad state so I could stay here instead of going to class" lowering his voice and a childish mischievous smirk replacing his smile, making me giggle, I gave him a very light punch on his shoulder.

He got up from the clinic bed and we made our way to the door until we heard screams of students growing louder, the clinic door suddenly burst open revealing a random teacher that shouted "everyone evacuate the school, this is not a drill!" agitated, the nurses made their way out the room as Lex held my hand, we dove into the crowed of students and teachers, after a few seconds of running, I bumped into a random student, causing me to fall as I let go of Lex's hand as I see him get washed away with crowds of students making their way to the buildings exit, quickly, the crowd of students grew smaller till there was none left, before I could even process what was going on, I hear a familiar voice screaming "COWABUNGAAA!!" 'what the?! was that mike?!' as if on key, I saw my new friend fly out of the cafeteria's entrance and crash into a locker nearby, shocked by this, I quickly got up and head over to mike, grabbing his arm, we ran closer to the school's exit "(Y/N)?!" I hear mike say with a surprised tone, his body getting stiffer, as if he didn't want to run away from whatever just threw him onto a locker, "what are you doing? why aren't you running?!" I said, panic overwhelming my emotions, as we stopped running.

Before he could answer my question, a trail of lava that came from the cafeteria shot right past us, 'ohmygoshwhatwasthat?!' mike sensing the amount of panic I was having, snapped back to his senses and quickly swept me off of my feet and , seeing a covered in lava emerge out of the cafeteria, he started running as fast as he could while carrying me in his arms, my eyes barely peeking over mike's shoulder to see what was going on behind us, I was greeted with a lava monster chasing after us and 3 other teenagers who were...chasing the monster with weapons? 'why the heck are those 3 chasing after...wait, is that ralph?!' before I could process everything else that was going on, mike took a huge leap and went through a window, shielding me with his arms as shards of glass went past us, having a safe landing, mike placed me back onto the ground, with a deep breath he said "illexplaineverythinglaterbutrightnowihavetogowereatthebackoftheschoolsopleasegetyourselftosafety!" (ill explain everything later but right now I have to go, were at the back of the school so please get yourself to safety!) whatever he just said, it was too fast for me to understand, watching my new friend make an inhumanly high jump back inside the school through the window we just went through, still not able to take in the chaos happening around me, I observe my surroundings and realize that I was at the back of the school, taking a short cut through an alley way, I found myself in front of the school where the crowds of students and teachers have gathered, apparently, the reason they all rushed outside was NOT because they saw the monster, but instead, because of a large fire that started within the cafeteria, hearing a fire truck's alarm, I tried to find my blue haired friend within the crowd, but I couldn't.

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