Slowly Unraveling - 9

376 8 1

Time Check - Tuesday

( Cloaking Brooch Status: 1 Day(s) Uses Left )


Tears mixed with rain.

That was what currently meddled onto your phone screen as of right now, its what soaked your clothes, your hair, your

not a few hours ago, you were kicked out from your house by your own mother, the same mother that CHOSE to give birth to you, the same mother that you oh so OBEYED no matter how cruel she was towards you, whether it be verbally or physically...yet it seems no matter what you did, this fate was inevitable.

There was so little that you could do, after being denied access back into your house even after begging for hours, you were forced to take shelter within an alley not so far away as you felt rain starting to drip down from the sky. This actually hurt you, still loving your parents, you couldn't believe they actually did this to you...after all, all you did was prioritize school, isn't that what every parent wanted?... More tears started dripping down from your cheeks to your phone screen, it was all you had, your mother hadn't let you have enough time to even pack, she just, instantly kicked you out, and worst of all, it was on didn't know what to do, you didn't want to be a bother to your friend lex, and you surely couldn't move into your cousins home as they actually left to Canada not long ago, and for fucks sake of course your not going to report you parents to the police since you still care about their well being! so what did you do?....nothing.

You couldn't do anything, were SCARED to do anything. 'Surely they'll let me back in...their just...not in the right mind right now' is what you thought, but no, going back to begging for another few hours, they still refused to acknowledge you, so now what do you do? You simply accepted this. You couldn't go to school anymore...not with your current state...and you couldn't see your friends anymore, especially when you looked so ragged and pathetic, so what now...? Oh how have this escalated so fast...

Time Check - Tuesday - 6:29 AM

( Cloaking Brooch Status: 1 Day(s) Uses Left )

"(Y/N) get your @ss up here! I need you to go pick up something for me! It's urgent!" Your mother exclaimed from within her room "Just a minute mother!" Despite your surprise that your mother was awake at this early hour, your mind didn't meddle much about that fact as you were rushing to get things done before you become late to school again.

Finishing cooking breakfast and putting on your school uniform, you head over to your mother who have been yelling your name every 3 minutes or so, "You needed something, mother?"

"I need you to pick up something for me" your mother said as she hands you a paper with a certain address "you'll be seeing a guy with a black jacket and yellow hat on, just tell them the word "bee's" and they'll know what to do, and as soon as they hand you a package don't you F***ing dare open it, just go straight back home." She said strictly, causing you to raise a brow at this, it was oddly suspicious, what was in that package that had your mother waking up so early in the morning for? Regardless you decided to ignore those thoughts, for now.

"Alright mother, I'll do so as soon as i get back home from school-"

"No! I need you to do this now!" "But mother-" you exclaimed shocked by your mothers sudden outbursts, but ending up getting cut off before you even tried to reason with her "F***ing D*mn it brat! Cant you do even one thing right?! All I'm asking for is for you to get this damn package already! I've fed you, carried you in my womb, bought you things- and this?!- is how you F***ing repay me? Unbelievable! I-"

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