New Friend? - 1

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* Their Cloaking Brooch Version's Are The Picture On Top!^^ ( but instead of Donnie wearing his tech goggles he's wearing the glasses from the previous chapter :] ) - (A/N: ill be using different ways on writing just to see what I'm more comfortable with so sorry if its a bit confusing but I swear it'll get better on chapter 3/4)

Y/N (P.O.V)

grunt...hearing my alarm clock ring, I grabbed my phone to check what time it is and it said 6:58 -- OH CRAP! I'm going to be late! stumbling upon myself while getting up from my bed, quickly, I prepped myself for school, not bothering to fix my mess, rushing down stairs I ignored the broken plates on the floor and headed outside, mounting my bicycle I swiftly made my way too school.

I opened my school's doors in time for the bell, well...'I missed my first class, but its not THAT bad right?'...unknowingly missing the 4 new students introduction.

making my way to my next class's door, I was deep in thought remembering about last nights event, failing to notice someone creeping up behind me..."boo!" getting surprised from the sudden noise, I accidentally punched the person that dared to shock me while I was in deep thought "OHMYGOSHIMSOSOSORRY!??" realizing that I just punched my only , guilt starts to rise within my stomach, worrying if they'll stop being friends with me, now that I just punched them accidentally "ah! nono! its ok, its my fault for sneaking up on you like that, hehe" he said with an understanding smile, placing a hand on his eye that probably has a bruise now..."I'm really really sorry! let me make it up to you by taking you to the nurses office!" I Offered, truly feeling guilty for causing him harm "ah no need! really its fine! and I don't wanna make you miss another class, really, its ok!" shaking his hands in front of me, indicating that he's respectfully refusing my offer, I looked at him with guilt in my eyes but nod in Understandment, watching him make his way to the infirmary, I walked closer to my class door, expanding the gap between us, and entered.

looking around, there was no teacher present yet, scanning the area I realized that there was a face I didn't recognize beside my chair, I made my way over and introduced myself to the new face "hi! my names (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N), are you a new student?, I don't remember ever seeing you in this class, or in the school in fact" I exclaimed with a cheery tone, hoping to make a good first impression, he twitches in surprise and looked up to find where the voice was coming from, finally focusing his eyes onto me, he only stared with a bead of sweat rolling down his, orange bandana?...'maybe he's an introvert?...or social anxiety maybe?' I thought waiting for him to say anything, as I sit down on my chair beside him.

Michelangelo (P.O.V)

Being inside a school for the first time made me burst with excitement but also made me really nervous, since I'm surrounded by humans that could possibly threaten our exposure to the public, separating from my brothers after our first class was over, I head over to my second class, entering the room I saw about 3-4 students, 'I must have arrived early', picking a random empty chair, I decided to sit by the window, taking in the beautiful view of the city in broad daylight, a view I never thought I would be able to enjoy while being exposed to the sun's light, surrounded by humans no less, it inspired my artistic side, and so with the sudden burst of inspiration I pulled out my sketchpad and pencil, and drew what I felt like drawing, getting too engrossed in my artwork, I failed to notice more students piling in the classroom, until I heared a voice talk to me, twitching in surprise, I separated my attention from my sketchpad to whoever was talking to me, that's when I locked eyes with a human, getting nervous since this was the first human interaction iv'e had in years that wasn't April, I had a hard time collecting my thoughts, causing for a bead of sweat to fall from head to my bandana, that's when I finally had the courage to speak, "h-hi, I', yeah mike!, I'm mike!" 'ohmigosh my voice just cracked?! and mike?! seriously?! I couldn't think of a better undercover name?!' internally screaming with my bad first impression, I fear that this human wouldn't like me and wouldn't ever consider me as a potential friend, giving an internal face palm, I gave the human a nervous smile instead, 'good going angelo! now she'll just think that your a weirdo!'

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