Class Trial 1.1 - Preparations

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My Truth Bullet list [With custom desciptions]:

Monokuma File #1: The victim was Sayaka Maizono. She was stabbed in the abdomen with a kitchen knife in Room 1's bathroom. Room 1 is located in the dormitory. Her right wrist is broken.

Evidence of Struggle: There are many Wolverine-looking marks around the room.

Room 1 Cleanliness: Room 1 has no hair on the floor. The lint roller in the corner was used.

Sakuraoi's Account: Aoi and Sakura testify that someone [Sayaka] had entered the Dining Hall. Sakura further believes that Sayaka took a knife from the kitchen.

"Switching" Rooms: Sayaka, being a manipulative bitch, convinced Makoto to let her sleep in Room 1.

Meteorite Arrowhead: Used to unscrew the doorknob that opens Room 1's bathroom.

Zantetsuken: The weapon Leon used to break Sayaka's wrist. Poor weapon choice.

Kitchen Knife Set: Located in the kitchen. Missing a knife. The one that is missing is the same one is in Sayaka's abdomen.

Sayaka's Wrist: Her right wrist was fractured, and the injury is slightly coated with silver paint. Her left index finger has blood on it.

Dying Message: 11037. Or LEO11 upside down. Meant to spell LEON upside down but Sayaka extended a middle finger at Leon before completing it and passing out.

Spare Shower Rod: Used to keep the bathroom door shut. Popped out of its place when Sayaka leaned on the door.

Bathroom Doorknob: Partially unscrewed by the Meteorite Arrowhead.

Cleaning Duty: Hifumi volunteered and was given a key by Kuma that opens to gate to the incinerator.

Incinerator: There's a 30-foot gap from the gate to the incinerator opening. Was activated by Leon's throw.

Burnt Shirt Piece: Leon's failed attempt at disposing of the evidence.

Shattered Crystal Ball: Used to activate the incinerator.

Lucky Lottery's Alibis: Byakuya asked to borrow the key yesterday and returned it this morning. I asked Makoto to meet him at Rocketpunch casino. They weren't able to get back to Room 1 until we found Sayaka unconscious this morning.

Hagakureon Transaction: A couple of days ago, Hiro sold his crystal ball to Leon, who offered him a small bag of Monocoins. I have a picture of this deal in my e-Handbook.

Note From Sayaka: Sayaka hastily wrote a note using the notebook in Room 1. It states that she found a way out and wants to meet the receiver in Room 1.

Sayaka's File: I left the information to her future spouse and her future children unblocked, although I covered up the terms, "Spouse" and "Future Children." I saw her file completely decoded after Kuma's raid.

Sayaka's Motive Video: Shows her friends getting attacked on stage. Tossed into Room 12's trash.

Truth Bullets: 21.

Focus Meter: 10.

Influence Meter: 10.

Alright. We step out of the elevator. Who will win? The spotless, or the......metaphorical dalmatian. Why the hell did I let Tsumugi pick that term for attempted murder?

Word Count: 482.

[Really pumped to start writing the trial, but I have a project due. Maybe a couple of weeks until the whole thing is finished.]

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