Chapter Five

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You tossed and turned in your bed, unable to sleep due to the loud ear-piercing screams that filled the castle at night. You had no idea what it was or who it was but every night you'd hear it. Screaming, constant screaming.

You flipped yourself over to lay on your stomach, aggressively holding a pillow down over your head in attempt to block out the noise. All of the other maids slept peacefully in their beds around your shared room. They must have been used to it or something, you didn't see how you could get used to something so scary sounding. It's not like it was nice screams... or was it?

The curiosity was killing you.

You grumbled and tossed your pillow off of your bed and sat up, you carefully got up and tip-toed across the cold wooden floor, once you reached the door you slowly pushed it open and slipped out of the room.

'Maybe I shouldn't be doing this..' you thought to yourself.

You shrugged and quietly walked down the dark hallway, stopping every few minutes to listen to what way the screaming was coming from. After a while you found yourself standing in front of a door that had a lock on it, you were happy to see that the door was slightly cracked so you didn't have to worry about unlocking it.

You sighed and looked around to make sure no one was watching you before pushing the door open to see a long set of stairs, you slowly stepped down on the first step, the cold concrete against your feet made you shiver. After what felt like hours of walking downstairs you saw faint lighting. The screaming had stopped a while ago but that didn't change your mind about wanting to check it out.

You heard the familiar sound of Lady Dimitrescu's daughters giggling, you sat down on a stair and stuck as close as you could to the wall, even if they were to look up at the stairs they wouldn't be able to see you due to it being so dark.

You watched as Cassandra walked by with a stickle in her hand, she continued to giggle while she approached what looked to be a human cage. You couldn't see what she was doing because of her back being faced towards you. "Oh bloodbagggg." Daniela sang, walking up to the bars, reaching her arms through them. "Are you scared?" Cassandra smirked, turning to an iron door and opening it painfully slow.

"Come play with us!" Daniela whined, jumping up and down excitedly.

You watched a short blonde girl slowly walk out, she was trembling in fear as tears rolled down her face. "Ple-please don't hurt me!" she pleaded. "Aw, how cute!" Daniela smiled, grabbing a fist full of the girl's hair and pulling her in, causing the girl to whimper out in pain. "What shall we do with her sister?" she smirked evilly, glancing towards Cassandra.

Cassandra hummed in thought for a moment before clearing her throat "First one to the heart wins." she nodded, gripping her stickle tightly.

"What does the winner get?" Daniela gasped, throwing the girl to the ground.
"The heart, duh!" Cassandra said, bringing her arm up into the air. Your heart dropped as you watched her bring the stickle down to the girl's chest, the sharp object immediately sliced through her skin, making the girl scream as loud as she possibly could.

You covered your mouth with your hand as tears filled your eyes. "You didn't say we could start!" Daniela groaned doing the same as her sister.

You were too shocked to move, you watched the two girls brutally murder the poor woman on the floor.

'What did she do to deserve this?!'

You slowly got out of the squatting position you were in and turned around and began to run up the stairs, you were only a few steps up before you ran into something.. or someone, you put your arms out in attempt to grab onto something so you wouldn't fall but instead a hand reached out and grabbed your shirt, pulling you up into the air. "Snooping are we?" the low voice of your mistress spoke.

Her Power - Lady Dimitrescu × Fem Reader Where stories live. Discover now