Chapter Six

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"Oh don't be dramatic."

You slowly turned back around, looking up at Lady Dimitrescu who only had a brassiere and panties on.

"Someone told me you needed me here." you shyly spoke, glancing around the room, trying to avoid staring at her for too long. "That's right, would you mind helping button my dress up?"

"Not at all." you smiled, watching her put her dress on before walking over to you and squatting down. You carefully buttoned her dress, careful not to touch her skin as you did so.

"Thank you dear, would you also help me with my hair while I do my makeup?" your mistress asked, walking over to her vanity and sitting down, beginning to apply the makeup she wears the same every day.

"Yes m'lady." you sent her a smile then grabbed her brush off of her vanity, looking up at her awkwardly. "Push a chair over here." she glanced at you in the reflection of the mirror.

You nodded and walked over to a chair that sat in the middle of the room, pushing it over to her and standing on it so you could reach her head.

"Do you think this look is getting old?" she asked in a soft tone, looking at herself in the mirror with a frown. "No not at all, it fits you very well." you smiled as you gently gathered some of her hair in your hand and began to brush the tangles out. "What about the lipstick?" she sighed. "I like it." you nodded, running your fingers through her hair to make sure you didn't miss any tangles. "I could sit here and let you do that for hours." you watched as she closed her eyes in relaxation.

"Why were you rushing?" you jumped down from the chair and pushed it back to its original place, in the middle of the room. "Oh my, I almost forgot!" you watched as she quickly stood up and walked over to her bed, grabbing her big black hat off of the blankets and gently placing it on her head. "There is going to be a family meeting here, Mother Miranda wants you to attend."

You raised a brow at her words "Why the rush though?"

She let out a scoff and turned to you "Because I have to look better than I usually do."

"You look the same as you do every day?" you giggled, tilting your head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?" she growled, making your heart drop to the floor as she angrily approached you.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way." you said as fast as your mouth would let you. "Then what did you mean." she narrowed her eyes at you, waiting for an answer. "I meant it by like, you do the same look every day so you always look the same, it's very pretty though." you smiled shyly, looking up at her.

You saw a look of confusion flash across her face but it was quickly masked with a grin "Thank you dear." she reached down and grabbed the brush out of your hands, you forgot you were even holding a brush. "Come here." she said sitting down in her chair and patting her lap, you quickly climbed up the chair and plopped down in her lap, your back facing her. "I want you to stay close to me today."

You felt your lady run her cool fingers through your h/c hair, working any tangles out with the brush. "I will, but why?" you asked curiously, she paused for a moment before gently grabbing your chin and turning your head to face her. "Because you belong to me and I asked you to." she said in a stern voice, releasing her grip on your chin.

"Yes m'lady." you mumbled, she gently pat your thigh, indicating for you to get up, which you quickly did.

"Everyone will be here soon, if you behave maybe you'll get a reward later." she hummed with a smirk, you blushed and quickly turned away.

"Why look away? I do enjoy seeing my effect on humans."

"It's embarrassing.." you whispered to yourself, somehow she heard and laughed at your comment. "I could show you embarrassing."

Her Power - Lady Dimitrescu × Fem Reader Where stories live. Discover now