
786 36 26

Hometown - twenty one pilots

My House - PVRIS (Pronounced "Paris")

Goner - twenty one pilots


"So what brings you to this hell hole?" Tyler asks and Brendon brings out his skateboard.

"It's a long story. I'd rather not spill to strangers." I laugh, putting out my cigarette.

"I'm not a stranger. I lit your cig for you!" Tyler acts offended. Brendon just laughs.

"Oh yeah, that definitely qualifies you as my friend." I roll my eyes.

"Of course it does!" Tyler laughs. when he raises his arm, I see three black/green lines around his wrist.

"Wait...What's that?" I ask pointing to the three bracelet things on his wrist.

"Oh, they're tattoos. I got 'em last year." Tyler looks down, as if he's embarrassed.

"What do they mean?" I nod towards the tattoos. Brendon, in the mean time, is skating his butt off in the distance.

"It's pretty personal. I'd rather not spill to strangers." Tyler winks as he gives me a crooked smile.

"Okay then." I smirk. I change the subject, Tyler clearly doesn't want the attention dwelling on the reason for his tattoo."Don't the teachers ever come out looking for you guys or something?"

"Occasionally. It depends on the teacher. What teacher do you have?" Brendon joins in the conversation.

I pull my folded, crumbled schedule out of my pocket. "For English I have Mr. Stump, for study hall I have Mrs. Williams, for Maths I have Mrs. Ginger, for History I have Mr. Carlile, for Chemistry I have Mrs. Ruth, and for art I have Mrs. Clinton."

"Umm, don't ever skip Mr. Stump's class he'll get the office involved.... Mrs. Williams won't care, neither will Mrs. Ginger, I take that back. If it's the week of a test don't skip in Mrs. Ginger's class. Mr. Carlile will care depending on his mood that day. Mrs. Ruth probably won't even know what fuck is going on. And Mrs. Clinton will kill you. " Brendon explain.

"Well, geometry is almost over then I have history. I should probably head back." I stand up and dust off my jeans. "Thanks guys! I'll see you tomorrow??" I ask.

"We're here everyday!" Brendon laughs.

"Yeah!" Tyler gives me another crooked smile.

Luckily the bell rings just as I reach my locker. '7283' I say to myself as I enter the combination.

"Hey! Are you the new girl?" A guy with dyed red hair in a mohawk-ish style and small black gauges.

"Umm....I guess?" I say as I search my locker for my history textbook.

"You don't sound sure about that..." the boy laughs, he has an adorable laugh.

"I'm Josh. Josh Joseph. I play drums." Josh sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Well Josh, I'm Sophie. But you can call me whatever you want. I play nothing." I smile and shake his hand.

"Interesting." Josh gives me a sarcastic smile. "So what class do you have next?"

"History with Mr. Carlile!" I close my locker.

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