Be Your Love

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Be Your Love - Bishop Briggs


I walk into school promptly at 8:10, five minutes early. My teacher looks at me strangely. 

"Miss Holmes, you arrived early today!" My Bio teacher resists showing surprise. 

"People change." I reply sarcastically. Honestly, I was too excited to talk to Brendon about Jensen. I nearly wore two different shoes this morning! 

"Well then, I except your attention in class today." She smirks at me. Dammit, this is what I get for being on time?!


"Bren!" I wave at his lanky figure from the back of the school. Tyler is still A.W.O.L, but I figure he'll be back soon enough. 

"Hey, Soph. How ya feelin' today?" Bren asks as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and offers me one. I take it and he lights it for me. 

"Better. Clear headed I guess." I exhale the smoke and watch it being slowly diffused into the air. "I'm ready to talk about how to find him."

Brendon takes the cigarette out of his mouth, "Wait, you were serious?" His thick eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

"Yeah...I'm sort of the daughter of a consulting detective, when I say I want to go look for something...I mean it." I laugh shaking my head gently. 

I watch Brendon's head tilt back some and let the sun hit his chiseled jaw line perfectly, casting a shadow down his neck. He lets the cigarette sit in his mouth for a moment while he ponders about what I just said. After he's done making a decision he brings his head to face mine and takes the cigarette out of his mouth, "What do we need to do?" 

I almost jump with joy, "Seriously, you'll do it?"

"I mean let's be real, what else am I going to do with my life?" Brendon scoffs. 

"Okay, so I need you to tell me everything you remember about the type of drug deals Jensen was doing. Anything will help." I jump right into it. 

"Dammit Sophie, can't you wait a minute?" Brendon jokes before flicking his cigarette on the ground and stomping on it. 

I squint my eyes at him.

"Jesus Christ, okay!" Brendon mumbles. "Jensen was mainly doing local deals, at first. But then he started doing so many of those, Luke gave him national deals. Soon he was taking on huge deals in places like France and Germany." 

My eyes grow wide,  I never guessed Jensen would be in that deep. "Damn...." 

"Yeah, he seemed weak when he first came in. I remember thinking 'he'll last three months'. He didn't. He's one of Luke's best guys." Brendon raises his eyebrows as he looks down at the ground. 

"Do you remember the last deal he was going to?" I grab Brendon's arm tightly, "His last deal location could send us to him." 

Brendon thinks for a moment, "I have no clue. Luke doesn't reveal locations to any other dealers except the ones involved. I'm sorry." Brendon puts his arm around my shoulder as give me a side huge. 

"No." I refuse to except the answer. I begin thinking up a slightly illegal plan. I look over at Brendon, who is looking at me, and smirk, "Do you think Luke is still in the same building?" 

"Yeah, but there will be police nearby." Brendon says with a hint of suspicion. "What are you planning?" 

I smile at him, "Grab a coat and meet me at Baker street tonight. We're going to find out where Jensen is." 


"You seem in an awfully good mood right now." John states as I prance around the kitchen.

"Mmm, I had a good day today!" I smile and grab some water. 

John looks over at Sherlock, who seems just as confused as John is about my happiness. "Teenagers." Sherlock mumbles before picking up his violin. 

A satisfying noise fills the air as the strings of the violin vibrate against the bow. "Can I go out tonight?" 

John laughs, "Now I know why." He rolls his eyes and gives me serious look, "Where are you going exactly?" 

My mind forms about 1,000 different lies and I try to pick the most plausible one, "Starbuck's. Brendon and I have a huge Bio test tomorrow." 

John thinks about it for a moment, "Sherlock, is she lying?" 

Sherlock looks me up and down, I can practically see the gears moving in his head, "No." Did I just fool Sherlock Holmes? Damn, I'm better than I thought. 

"Okay, but you have to be back by midnight or I'll get Sherlock to come and get you. You know how he feels about unnecessary trips into any crowded place."

I sigh, "I wouldn't call it unnecessary if he's picking up his daughter?" I raise an eyebrow. 

John sits there for a moment, trapped, "Okay, you know what I mean." 

"Do I? Do I?" I smile before skipping up the stairs to get ready. 

I lay down on my bed and begin to piece together a plan. If it is a drug dealers building, it is probably abandoned, isolated, unsuspecting. Medium to large room size. His office would be in a back corner, that way if any police cam barging in, he could have way out before it was too late. I begin drawing a plan out in my mind until I have one that seems good enough. Next, I slip on some black skinny jeans a and a black t-shirt, accompanied with a black, zip up hoodie. I put on my Doc Martens, as those seem the most durable out of my shoes and I suspect the building that the dealer is located in is rusty and dirty. I grab a backpack and stuff a flashlight and a knife. Dammit, the pick lock stuff is in Sherlock's is the gun - wait, no, John has that. I roll my eyes. 

I get downstairs, "Hey Dad," I get John's attention, "Can I borrow some toothpaste from your bathroom?"

"Why do you need toothpaste?" John laughs as he leans against the counter. 

My cheeks blush, I know what he's thinking, "No reason." 

John almost spits out his coffee, "Okay, God, why did I even ask that." 

I resist laughing as John sits there is slight shock. "Yeah sure."

I sneak into John's room and look back towards the living area and here the two of them talking. I quickly get into John's room and begin going through his stuff. I check in each drawer until I notice a shoe box in his closet. I go to grab it and then lay it on the bed. When I open the dark green box, I'm met with something I didn't think I would ever see. My baby pictures. There's on of my in Sherlock's deerstalker. Of course, it's too big and it falls over my face. There's one where I can't be more than one because I can't walk, but John is holding me up as I stand in Sherlock's shoes. Then there is the one I fold up in place in my pocket. It's one where I'm probably two weeks old and it's a picture of Sherlock playing the violin while John rocks me. It seems odd that none of this stuff is in frames. Finally I feel a cold metal object at the bottom. I grab the handle of it and see the black revolver. I see if there are any bullets. Six. I put the safety on, for now, and put it in my bag. Now Sherlock. 

I look over into the living room and see the two of them talking to a possible client. I basically crawl into Sherlock's room to find the pick lock stuff sitting on his desk. I grab it and put it in the backpack. I look at the time. 8:00. Brendon should be down there. I walk by the client and Sherlock and John. 

"Bye guys, see you later." I wave goodbye. I tell Mrs. Hudson bye before opening the door to see Brendon waiting, smoking a cigarette. I take it out of his mouth and put it in mine. "You ready?" 

"Oh come on, that was my last one!" Brendon complains.

"I take that as a yes." I laugh as we both walk towards the building. I let Brendon lead the way. 

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