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Champagne - Niykee Heaton
In The Night - The WEEKND

Honestly, I wrote this at 3:00AM. I have no clue the spelling errors or anything. I am delusional at this point. 😂 so I'm sorry for quality content of this chapter.

Photo: What Sophie wears in this chapter.


I am completely and utterly broken.

I've broken my sobriety. Tyler has been distant as of late, thankfully. Most days I'm lucky if I even decide to actually go to class. I spend most of the time sneaking Coke. I haven't slept a solid night for 2 days now. I've been staying up and working the case. Most of the time I'm high so nothing good comes out of my investigating but so what. I'm doing more than the police. I've spent a lot of time with Brendon late actually. Mainly to smoke but it's been fun. He makes me laugh.

"So approximately what time were you walking home?" Lestrade asks me questions for the case.

"I don't know it was like a week ago." I sigh. I pull my black hoodie over my head.

"Sophie anything? Anything Jensen may have sent you?" Lestrade practically begs.

"Lestrade, I don't know anything. Jensen ran away or whatever and never looked back and now he's probably dead somewhere." I lean back in my chair.

Lestrade lets out an exasperated sigh, "You're free to go." I do not hesitate to get out of there. I quickly make my way to the Starbucks where I am supposed to meet Tyler.


"Hey, how are you?" Tyler asks as I sip my coffee.

"Right now? Well I'm currently buzzed and full of Coke. How about you?" I wink.

"Sober. Seriously Soph, you went to the police station...high." Tyler laughs and rubs his head. "I make such terrible friends."

"Hey!" I joke. "I'm right here."

"But in all honesty how are you doing with all of this?" Tyler checks on me.

"Well if you want the truth, I haven't slept in a week. I haven't been sober in 2 weeks. I haven't showed for a class in a week. So I would say pretty good!" I end the tragic note with sarcasm.

"Sounds like you're in hell." Tyler sits up and leans forward.

"Yeah well, I was in it before too. It's just a little hotter this time." I joke around.

"I'm scared for you, Soph. I don't know what you're going to do. You have no limits and hat scares me." Tyler admits as I look up from my coffee. "You seem to be taking even the possibility of Jensen's death very hard. Jensen ran away from you. He in way was asking for it."

I jolt up, "Tyler! You didn't know him and you do-you know what never mind. It was nice talking to you. See you Monday." I smirk before leaving. the audacity I think as I storm out of the Starbucks. I mean maybe he's right, I didn't know every aspect of Jensen's life. Maybe he was up to something.I trudge all the way to an abandon wearhouse in the middle of nowhere.

"Luke?" I yell into the open, empty room.

"Yes?" A shabby man in raggedy clothes comes out of the dark.

"My friend Brendon said I could get some cheap Coke from you. Is it true?" I question him. I evaluate the area. no weapons near

"Ah, Brendon. A regular here. My prices range from £20 to £500. But £20 will get you a good amount." Luke informs me as he leads me to a side room. "Are you looking for a huge amount or...?"

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