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Control - Halsey

Castle - Halsey

Let It Go - The NBHD


"How is the withdrawal?" Lily asks me as I gaze around the room.

"Well, withdrawal is a bitch for sure. I leave class every twenty minutes to go puke my guts out." I complain. "Don't even get me started on the cravings either...holy For the past 4 days I've had nothing but chicken gyros. I don't like chicken gyros...normally. Also, I'm achy as crap."

"I see you are also experiencing the agitation?" Lily smiles lights. I huff and sit back on the couch. "How are things with your parents?"

"Mmm okay I guess. John is talking to me again. Sherlock is well, Sherlock. Except we have started this thing where we'll identify people on the streets and deduce them. Judgemental...maybe...I have no clue when deducing becomes judging to be honest." I laugh a little.

"I'm glad. How many marks are on your wall?" Lily questions calmly.

"141." I reply, wringing my hands unsure if that's okay or not. "is that a reasonable number?"

"I would say so. To be clean for 10 days after about 2 years of drug usage...yes I would say fantastic." Lily congratulates me.

"Now any news on Jensen or Rosie?" Lily says their names quietly as if to avoid the words.

I get quiet, "Nope. They know Rosie was killed somewhere with lots of dirt and machinery based on the substances under her nails. Jensen is still nowhere to be found."

"Sophie, you must be patient. I know it is hard, but your father and Lestrade will discover the killer and, or kidnapper." Lily affirms me.

"I know, I know, but there has to be something for me to do." I think out loud.

"Look, for a lot of my patients I recommend exercise to help with the stress and anxiety and depression that often trails withdrawals. I will not say it is okay to exercise until you feel physically ready to do so. Right now, I would say do not do it because you are weak right now." Lily recommended. Exercise? I would rather go to jail.


"Therapy?" John asks as I get home. Since I've been following the rules lately, John has decided that I don't need guidence to and from places.

"Good. Where's Sherlock?" I ask suspiciously, normally you don't see one without the other.

"Out talking to Mycroft about something. Insisted I didn't join him." John said begrudgingly.

My mind drifts back to the little black book Mycroft gave me. Was he encouraging me to use again? No he couldn't have been. That's insane.

"You okay?" John calls me from my daze. Shit, where is a chicken gyro?

"Yeah, do we have any chicken gyros?" I ask hungrily.

"In the fridge." John sighs. I rush to the fridge to find 4 chicken gyros just waiting for me.

"Why are there so many?" I ask.

"I figured why not get them all at once since you eat them so much." John laughs.

"Touche." I point at him. I grab the gyro and head upstairs. I lay down on my bed and unwrap the gyro. For some reason, no matter how excited I am about a gyro...or anything for that matter, I don't get pleasure from it... I know people say that is part of withdrawal and what not but I don't like it.

After I finish the gyro I throw the wrapper in the trash can to join the many other gyro wrappers that have collected there. I decide to lay down and take a nap. Recently, nightmares are the only thing I see when I sleep. But there's something enticing about the adrenaline you get from being trapped inside your own fears. I guess one could say I have a self-destructive personality. I tuck myself into my flannel sheets and doze off.

The top of a building. Based on the surroundings...I'm at St. Bart's. On the roof.

"No, no. Not here. Not her. GET ME AWAY FROM HERE PLEASE!" I scream at myself. This is the place where we thought we'd lost Sherlock. I was 2. I remember the world had turned my father into some sort of villain. I remember the world had made a villain out of their protector.

"It's me and you." The villain in my dream is Jensen this time. I try to not cry.

"All this time? Where have you been?" I rush to touch his face. He immediately backs up.

"Watching you. Making sure you search and search for me until you self-destruct." Jensen gives a deep laugh, so deep it must come from Moriarty himself.

"Jensen, I was your friend. I cared for you. I loved you." I beg.

"I know how many people you really care for." Jensen pulled out a gun. "Tyler. Brendon. Mrs. Hudson. Sherlock. John. Lestrade. Josh." Jensen laughs. "I'm quite disappointed you know. I thought you had more Sherlock in you." Jensen's face morphs into the man I regarded as the devil. "Too bad you got more poor little John. Emotions. They're what lead to death Sophia Holmes."

"Fuck you." I reply angrily.

"I wouldn't say that my dear Sophia. As there is a sniper ready to kill your loves at any moment. I thought you would have found that out by now." Moriarty frowns.

"Please don't kill them!" I plead.

"Oh, don't worry. As long as you jump they'll be safe." Moriarty laughs.

"I know how this ends." I walk to ledge. "I die."

"Ah, look maybe there is a little Sherlock in you!" Moriarty jumps. "Like father like daughter my dear Miss Holmes."

I look down and see the ground is cleared waiting for my body to hit it. I inhale and exhale then simply

I wake up sweating, unable to breath. I was in too deep. I think as I regain my breathing. I take gulps of air. I gently get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. There I find my face covered in a layer of sweat. My mascara all under my eyes. My eyeliner looks more like a black eye now. I wash off my face and change clothes before I head downstairs.

"Look, don't tell her yet. She's just gotten to a good place." John informs Lestrade. Sherlock is looking out the window with his hands on his hips, contemplating.

"Tell me what?" I ask worriedly. The three men exchange glances.

"Oh, just tell her for God's sake! She's going to have to know eventually!" Sherlock raises his voice.

"Goddamnit WHAT is it?" I approach John, knowing he's a terrible liar.

"Sophie sit down please." Lestrade rubs his temples before sitting down with me. "Wait, who's going to tell her?"

"JUST TELL ME!" I loudly exclaim. This is scaring me now.

"I'll tell her, as the two of you don't seem to be able to." Sherlock intercedes between Lestrade and John. John gives me a look of sympathy.

"Shit. Okay you better fucking tell me!" I ball my fists. John looks at me, appalled. "Sorry..." I lie to pacify John.

"It's quite simple actually. I have no clue why these idiots could tell you." Sherlock rolls his eyes.

"Okay, Sherlock even your stalling. What is it?" I sternly say.

"I was getting to that!" He whines.

"The truth is-"

A/N: 3 CHAPTERS IN A DAY? FUCK YEAH! I'm pretty sure this is a record for me! I just have this idea for the story and if I don't write I'll forget it. Sorry these past chapter have been boring. Sophie's character needed developing ;)

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