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Color - Finish Ticket

Cannibal Queen - Miniature Tigers


"So that's the reason you sent that text...?" Lestrade gulps loudly.

"Yep!" I smile as I try to hold back laughter from the look on Lestrade's face. "Is that all?"

"Y-Yeah." Lestrade looks down at his feet before he leaves, "Sophie, if we find anything connected to you through his phone...I can't protect you anymore, so if you want to tell me anything...this is the time."

I can only hear my heartbeat, I try to remember anything I sent to Brendon about anything, so I can cover for the both of us. I can't remember anything. "Nope." I say harshly. Lestrade nods before leaving.

"Brendon should be out by tonight by the way. We just need him for questioning." Lestrade explains.

"Thank you." I smile at him as he awkwardly makes his way out the door. As he leaves I let out a huge breath. Damn, I'm good. I smirk as I think about my cover.

-- Brendon's POV --

"So Brendon, you were known to do odd jobs for Luke around town." The salt and pepper haired man, Detective Lestrade, asks me as I play with my handcuffs. This is an odd feeling.

"Yeah, and...? Why am I in here?" I groan as I lay my head against the cold metal table.

"Just like Sophie." I hear the loud detective mumble "quietly".

"Wait - how do you know Sophie?" I pick my head up and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, how do I know Sophie?" Detective Lestrade laughs, "How do I know Sophie Holmes?"

"You know repeating a question doesn't answer it." I smirk as Lestrade sends me a glare.

"I know her 'cause she's been in here one too many times. How do you know her?" Lestrade leans in as I lean against my cool, metal chair.

"School. Well, more like skipping school." I sigh. Why is it so important that he knows why I know her?

"What is the nature of your relationship with Sophie exactly?" Lestrade rests his chin on his hand. What the fuck kind of question is that?

"I mean, we're friends? I don't know, why is that important to you!?" I protest as Lestrade writes some things down. "Why do you want to know anyway?"

"It's all apart of the case, sparky. " Lestrade rolls his eyes as he continues the investigation. He flips through a couple pieces of paper, "Did you ever come into contact with Jensen Williams?"

"I - uh- yeah." I resist lying.

"When did you come into contact with him?" Lestrade begins recording the two of us.

"I met 'em a couple of times doing some jobs. Once was about 8 months ago. He was talking about this girl he met and how they were hookin' up. The last time was about 3 months ago. He came in, really frantic and paranoid. It was really late. He came in saying someone threatened him. Claimed that they wanted his girl - who I now know is Sophie. Of course we talked him out of it - he wasn't exactly sober at the time. " I go on to explain as Lestrade writes down something every five seconds it seems.

"Do you know if he was ever involved in drug deals that had gone wrong or any big market dealers?" Lestrade flips the file closed.

"Not that I know of. Luke doesn't sell to huge groups. I mean, there are a couple of corporate groups we'll sell to for a party occasionally. Nothing that would ever cause a deal to go wrong." I inform him. "The most he'll sell at a time is 400 grams."

Sherlock's Daughter: FallenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant