Fake You Out

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Fake You Out - twenty one pilots
Guns For Hands - twenty one pilots
Ode To Sleep - twenty one pilots
Photo: new cover? Possibly??

"EVERYONE OUT OF YOUR ROOMS NOW!" The guard yells at 7:00 in the morning. I mentally groan. I am not a morning person. I drag myself and my roommate/best friend, Jade, out of the room.

"This is fucking insane." Jade whispers in my ear. Her morning breathe hits me in the face, along with the smell of...weed.

"Jade, do you have weed in our room?" I ask urgently, trying to keep a serene mien.

"Yes. It's plastered on the wall." Jade snaps sarcastically.

"Sorry, this is my last day and I want to to actually pass room check. The officer who's name badge reads "Officer Tiffany R.". I make eye contact so that if anything are found she may have sympathy (I doubt it). Five minutes later, Officer Tiffany begins to slowly clap.

"Well, well, well, if the two most arrogant, mischievous girls have a completely clean room for once." The officer laughs. "Is it cause it's your last day Holmes? Do you not wanna get caught? I hope to God you actually haven't Done drugs because you still have a drug test to pass before you can leave." The officer smirks.

"What kind of drug test?" I ask nonchalantly, even though mentally I'm freaking out.

"Not gonna say. Just get your stuff packed and come with me." Officer Tiffany commands. I rush back into my room, Jade alongside me, helping me pack.

"Fuck, what am I going to do?" I ask Jade as I begin slamming my clothes in a suitcase.

"Um, I don't know. If it's urine you'll be fine, that only traces back three days I think. If it's hair you're fucked cause that traces back three months." Jade informs me.

"I know that I was just thinking out loud." I explain as I apply makeup and change into my favorite, most comfortable outfit: A "Itchy x Scratchy" top from Drop Dead, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and all black vans.

"I think you're all set. I got your comforter off and all that. You got your suitcase...I think that's all..." Jade looks at the ground sadly. I can't help but feel bad about leaving my friend. Like, I got out early because Mycroft is the British Government. Otherwise, I would be here for a year just like Jade. I envelope her in a tight hug.

"I'll call okay?" I smile at her.

"Deal Bitch." Jade winks at me.

"Jerk." I laugh grabbing my suitcase and bag containing my bed sheets.

"I'm gunna miss you asshat and your British Accent." Jade waves as I close the door.


"You passed." Officer Tiffany informs me. I exhale a deep breath I wasn't aware I was holding. Luckily it was a urine test...I was safe.

"So what now?" I ask, slightly confused.

"There is someone waiting for you." She replies easing me to a black Range Rover. Clearly Mycroft. An English car and it's black and sleek. I hop in the car, no hesitation. I am ready to get out of this shithole.

"Hello, Sophia." Mycroft greets me as we head to the airport. I put in my headphones and listen to music while gazing out the window, trying to avoid any awkward conversation with Mycroft.

"Sophia, we are here at the airport." Mycroft informs me. I get out and see a nice, white, small private jet.

"Is this ours?" I raise my voice over the sound of the plane.

"Yes. There is something waiting for you inside, I think you should like!" Mycroft shoos me to the plane. I run up the stairs and none other than Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.

"Hey!" I walk up and hug them. Being away for four months sort of changes the way you think about your parents.

"Hey, Soph!" John hugs me back, kissing me head, "Did you grow bloody ten meters?"

"Probably." I laugh. I turn to Sherlock with an apprehensive walk, I walk over to him and gently hug him.

"I guess I've missed you too." I smile. After a couple seconds Sherlock hugs back. Hmm that's odd.

"So, Sophie, tell us how was Juvey?" John sits back in his chair and laughs.

"Fucked up." I reply, sitting in the tan leather seat by the window. Mycroft gets on the plane and the plane begins down the runway. "Hey Sherlock?"

"Mind palace." Sherlock mutters. I roll my eyes. Wow, that didn't take long to get back to normal.

"We sort of are working a case back home." John replies as the plane jumps into the air. That split second between it taking off the ground and hitting the air where it hits that bump, I am always terrified it is going to fail.

"Oh. Can I ask you then?" I need to ask him about Jensen.

"Sure." John smiles.

"Is Jensen back yet?" I stare directly into my dad's eyes.

"No..." John's voice lingers in the air for a second.

"Well, then have you opened a case?" I squint my eyes at my dad.

"Look, Sophie, come here and sit." John pats the seat across from him. I unlock my belt and saunter over.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"Have you ever considered that Je-" I cut John off.

"DAD, YOU THINK I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF THAT? YOU THINK I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF EVERY POSSIBILITY OR EXPLANATION?" I raise my voice in frustration. I clearly am louder than I think because Sherlock jerks out of his mind palace.

"Could you two keep it down?" Sherlock complains. The only thing I wanted them to do for me while I was gone was to look for Jensen. I know how bratty that sounds but I need them to find him...or I'll look for him on my own. I storm over to Sherlock.

"I LITERALLY GAVE YOU ONE JOB. THAT WAS IT. YOU COULDN'T EVEN FILE A MISSING PERSON?" I shout at Sherlock. He stares back at me with no emotion.

"No. It was clear at the scene he left voluntarily." Sherlock blurts out. God, If Sherlock deducted that, then it's probably right. No, no, NONONO. That doesn't make sense. Jensen was happy. Why would he? He was content. I storm to the airplane bathroom before I breakdown into tears and grab something out my purse. A clear bottle containing a small amount of powder. I line up the substance on the tray and snort three short, fat lines. I instantly feel a light feeling that makes me feel a million times better. Oh, how I've missed this. I've missed not giving a fuck.


A/N: I guess this was like a second prologue but yeah. Sophia is back

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