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I looked at Theoden gulping. "Sonja is my youngest brothers daughter. I haven't seen her in many years"Aragorn explained. "I kept you as a maid. But the whole time you were more royal line than any of us"Theoden whispered. I nodded. "But now please let's go see my cousin"Eowyn safed me. I ran first to the healing houses. Theodred was there wide awake trying to sit up. "Theodred!"I exlaimed. I ran to him lowering him down. "You can't get up. You are weak and were in life or death situation"I spoke softly. As I gently lowered him he held my torso for little support. "Relax"I whispered. He did so sighing. "It's good to be awake. Be happy I am not Eomer he would have ran from here as soon as he opens his eyes"Theodred chuckled. I smiled stroking his damp hair. "I know"I giggled as I remembered it. He had really ran from the healing house and hid in his room. Theodred stroked my cheek. "That little sweet sound"he whispered. "Could you fix the billows?"he asked. I nodded. I lowered myself and started to fix them. Then in a flash he had his palms on my cheeks and our lips collided.

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